Lets make this sunday ,A work day and each Space Force member will help to bring the best art work to you and who does will get upvotes...this will make it easy ,fast and efficently bring an end to the art contest.
Each member should be only given one oppurtunity like comment or post once. In which he summons up the best artwork he thinks has been created.But yes only one comment or post which will get curated later on....
How do you think @dimimp is this idea gonna work .....i guess this is the best possible way to bring best results in less period of time...
Afterall this is what we were hired for to male STEEMJET work efficently and we work together.
I appreciate your idea, but i will like you to know something that, if any member's art work is not been chosen by any spaceforce member, the member wont be happy, and he will think he have already fail the contest even when the result is yet to be announce. @dimimp already have all art work recorded .
i will like @dimimp the boss, should bring out the result for the contest at once so as nt to make others that their work is not be nominated by the SF look inferior .
@dimimp will be there to judge everything we will just act as catalyst ,maybe we could keep one team of four or five SF members who will check and represent those entries that are skipped.... There are many ways we can male this process to speed up...
Afterall Space Force was meant to make STEEMJET work efficently....
Steemjet time contest as started over 3 month ago, and it will be difficult for sf to go back from the first page of the contest and will bring out all the contest entry, this will not make every graphic well represented. AM very sure that @dimimp have been take note of the design right from the beginning of the content , so it will be very easy for him to update it anytime he his comfortable.
I appreciate your idea, but i will like you to know something that, if any member's art work is not been chosen by any spaceforce member, the member wont be happy, and he will think he have already fail the contest even when the result is yet to be announce. @dimimp already have all art work recorded .
i will like @dimimp the boss, should bring out the result for the contest at once so as nt to make others that their work is not be nominated by the SF look inferior .
@dimimp will be there to judge everything we will just act as catalyst ,maybe we could keep one team of four or five SF members who will check and represent those entries that are skipped.... There are many ways we can male this process to speed up...
Afterall Space Force was meant to make STEEMJET work efficently....
Steemjet time contest as started over 3 month ago, and it will be difficult for sf to go back from the first page of the contest and will bring out all the contest entry, this will not make every graphic well represented. AM very sure that @dimimp have been take note of the design right from the beginning of the content , so it will be very easy for him to update it anytime he his comfortable.