Texas Vegan Brisket??? Say it ain't so!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemkitchen6 years ago

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I was shocked to see this recipe mentioned in a Texas magazine today.
For Texas that kind of thing is almost sacrilegious! lol.
check this out:

18 hours smoked over oak. Is it beef? Nope. But the taste/texture are
pretty great. Mix of jackfruit, seitan, miso, beer, Franklin BBQ sauce
made w extra sugar so it carmalized to a crust — and it did!
The creator says it was a great success.

how's it look?
Dmwoz9WVsAsB9U8.jpg source

I'd try it. My friend @delishtreats has been teaching me the benefits of
a Vegan diet so see delishtreats... there ARE Texans who are Vegans!

This unusual fake meat was featured in an article about a big BBQ
roundup they're having in Dallas this week with 30 of the best BBQ
joints in Texas. That place is going to smell GOOD!

By the way, I worked as a grill master for a year in a local BBQ joint
which was a country restaurant about 5 or 6 miles outside of town.
We specialized in brisket but did beef and pork ribs, hot links,
chicken, turkey, several sausages.

That was quite the experience, it was fun when people from local
ranches would ride their horses over to the restaurant and tie up
at the front porch. We only used Mesquite wood and the briskets
were smoked for 12 hours. I can smell it now!

Here's the type of meals we were making:




thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know...you might just be a redneck if:

Your idea of a 7 course meal is a bucket of KFC and a sixpack!
(actually sounds pretty good to me!)



No thank you! I'll take beef brisket any day over that strange fruit mess with barbecue sauce and sugar that you mentioned above. Really good beef brisket tastes good even without barbecue sauce!

My son got into smoking meat last year, it was one of those grin and bear it things. He's actually improved a lot over the course of the year, tomorrow he'll be back at it again in between helping me paint.

oh how interesting sunlit7..well if it's done right there's nothing like it so I wish him luck.
what are you painting, like your house?

Yes. I think I was telling you that I have my four year rental certification coming up. You can't have any peeling paint, if they find peeling paint they make you hire a professional to paint your house you can't do it yourself anymore....the only real difference is a professional takes a class, which I am sure they charge a nice sum for, then places caution tape around your house while they paint it...(lol). So basically I go around and spot check for peeling paint, scrape it, touch it up. I generally do the bottom half, my sons do the top. It takes them forever to get motivated, stay focused, etc., if I had a fiberglass ladder I'd probably do it myself, they are much lighter to handle then a steel ladder.

howdy again sunlit7! oh yes now I remember because I was amazed at all the regulations and everything, it's totally nuts like they want to micro manage everyone's lives up there! Well, you have a good system though if the boys do their part.

I'll eat my veggies the normal way next to meat!

haha! yes sir balticbadger that seems to be the growing consensus here! lol.

Mouthing watering food - and I don't mean the fake brisket.
Vegan Brisket. That sounds like a oxymoron to me.
People are creative enough to create a new dish, but they can't take it a step further and give it a new name.
I think vegans who go for 'fake' stuff, or vegan 'meat' stuff are hypocrites.
But what do I know right? :-)

haha! howdy there quotes-haven! yes sir I'm not sure I understand why so many of them try so hard to imitate meat unless they miss the taste but what do I know? lol. thank you sir.

Man, that looks dry. I would give it a bash though!

haha..what is a "bash" sir meesterboom? you would give it a try? It might go good with beer!

A bash yeah, a try! It probably would go well with something wet, lol!

A bash yeah, a try!
It probably would go well
With something wet, lol!

                 - meesterboom

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Red meat. Read my lips, red meat. Brisket is red meat.

These people who make this kind of crap and then try to peddle it ought to be strung up at high noon from a big live oak tree.

Those "Texans" who are vegans are normally either transplanted Texans or who are native Texans that were in FFA and didn't realize that their first place lamb at the FFA show would end up being sold to the local meat market at the champions auction and on display the next week in the meat case with a picture of the blue ribbon award ceremony taped on the front glass of the cabinet by the lamb roast.
My wife happens to be the latter of those two examples by the way.

hahaha! ok sir sultnpapper it IS kind of shocking to see that in an article about the best BBQ joints but I think they just put it there to attract attention, which it did mine.

Your wife is a transplant from another state is that what you're sayin?

She is a native Texan, I went back and edited my comment to better reflect what I was trying to get across.
Her lamb won first place when she was a junior in high school at the FFA live stock show.

The local grocery store that was in Tomball, Texas at the time was the Klein Brothers Grocery and Meat Market.
They purchased her lamb at the champions sale and the next week when she was in the store with her mother grocery shopping she found her lamb butchered and on display in the glass meat case of the meat department.
Her meal prior to that shopping trip was the last time she ever ate meat. She has been a vegan or vegetarian since then, I know there is a difference between the two V's but I couldn't swear which she technically falls under, but she damn sure doesn't eat meat.

wow sir sultnpapper! what a remarkable story..and she gets plenty of protein from other sources I guess but what about fixing meals she fixes meat but doesn't eat it herself I guess.

She doesn't have a problem with cooking it she just won't eat meat. I don't know if she "gets plenty" of protein or not but she is alive and kicking.

haha! she's alive and kicking...probably kicking your butt! lol. well that sounds great, I'm sure she can judge when she needs more protein, women are usually so sensitive about such things.

I can't knock it until I try it...

Is the vegan slow roasted thing healthy janton? I can see why the BBQ was popular. Ain't life grand?

ha! yes it really offends people that someone would try to make fake brisket but it IS much healthier if you have a health condition that limits your diet.
Yes the fake meat is basically flavored gluten so it's fine unless you're on a diet to limit gluten which is what Mrs. J and I are on at the moment, so it would be better for us to have the real thing.

But janton is brisket a healthy meat? I thought there was too much salt in it.

howdy angiemitchell! as far as I know it's very healthy, it's an excellent cut of meat but I've never heard of it being high in salt. I could google it but I'm too lazy.

You are right, I confused it with "silver side," lol

I used to eat Veggieburgers they are good. I used to be a vegetarian for years. Not anymore I am the keto diet. I have to eat lots of fatty stuff. No carbs. I grew up eating homemade meals with beef about every day. Beef is so expensive now.

ha!! yes Mrs. J and I are on Keto too, I;ve done alot of posts about the Keto diet. I think it's the healthiest in the world from all the data I've seen.

Yes, I lost 30 pounds on it. I have a lot of more work to do to perfect it.

howdy again cosmiccrimes! well it does take alot of discipline at first but once you get used to it the diet ain't bad and it feels good and healthy. How long have you been on it?

It's not a hard diet. I've been at it for over a year now. I still have a few things to tweak out but I'm almost there.

no sir it's not a hard diet once you get used to it but most people have a problem getting used to it. like me. lol.

It's hard at first. I was weak for a while. Not to be nasty, but it gave me diarrhea for days too.

yes sir cosmiccrimes we researched this thing before hand and read and also heard alot about the so called Keto flu that happens when your body is adjusting. My wife had all kinds of symptoms but I didn't have any at all which was strange but fine with me!

You had me sold at smoked over oak. I'd try it!!!! Looks good actually and I am a meat eater. Of course, I'm one who will try just about anything once.
The rest of the food...well...I'm surprised the pictures are still there from me trying to eat them. Have a great weekend partner!

haha! yes I would try that too, the smoke had to have totally penetrated that after 18 hours! The rest of it, man it was such good eatin at that B! joint, Mrs. J worked there too.