Steemleo Weekly Stats 09/23/19 to 09/29/2019

in #steemleo5 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the weekly edition of Steemleo stats. This is no.9 @leo.stats report. If you want to know a bit more about the Steemleo platform and dig into the numbers, this is the place to be.
We have some additions on the stats this week like overall tokens supply and posting activities.


The following topics will be covered:

  • Daily stats on tokens staking
  • Share of tokens staked
  • Daily stats on tokens burned
  • Number of Steemleo users
  • Posts and comments activities on the platform
  • Posting from inteface
  • Votes from the @leo.voter account
  • Price Chart

Staking LEO

Below is a chart that represents the daily movement of staking/unstaking of the LEO token.


The first five days are excluded from the chart for better visability. In those days there is a total of 1.6M tokens staked.

The LEO token has a great statistics on tokens staked. The last days also proves this and as the trend continues.

The chart for the last week looks like this.


This is a great result. Every day of the week is in net positive tokens staked. In total there was a 58k net tokens staked in the last week.

Here is the overall chart on LEO tokens supply.


We can see that the staking is increasing over time, the liquid supply is going down. The burnt tokens also are taking a bigger share with the monthly burns showing the big drops. The sell wall is slowly disappearing.

Below is a chart of the ratio staked/unstaked tokens, excluding the sell wall that at the moment have around 1.4 M tokens.


90.5% tokens staked!

This is a great result and it is hard to go up from here. But threre was a small improvement in the decimal point comparing to the last week. The interesting thing is that unlike some other tribes the LEO tokens are rewarded all liquid.

Out of the current supply 4.1M tokens, 2.44M are staked, 1.4 are in the sell wall and 0,255 are liquid.

Burning LEO

Burning tokens is an important metric as in a way it is a anti inflationary measure and it shows the use cases for the token or sinks.


The vertical Y axis is on a logarithmic scale for better readability. In the period analyzed a total of 727k tokens were burned. The large share of this 700k tokens are due to sell wall burn, and the nopal4you account of 100k tokens. The rest of 27k tokens are from the sinks for the LEO token and that is a nice number.

Steemleo Users

Steemleo is slowly growing and we are proud of every new user that comes to our platform. Bringing new users outside the Steem ecosystem is our priority.

Below is a chart with the number of unique users that posted on Steemleo.


A total of 2398 unique user have posted with the #steemleo tag till this date.

Next, a chart for the new daily users in the week.


A total of 62 new users. These are users that made a post for the first time with the #steemleo tag.

Activities on Steemleo

Below is a char of the Steemleo activities, including posting and commenting from the Steemleo interface and posting and commenting with the Steemleo tag.


We can see that the majority of the posting still comes from other interfaces with the tag #steemleo, but there is an increase in the last days on posts from

In the last period Steemleo is trying to incentivize users to post from the Steemleo interface rewarding authors who use the interface with vote from the @leo.voter.

Here is the chart only for posts from interface.


The strategy seem to be working and there is more posts coming from interface in the last days.

Weekly Activities

The total number of activities (posts and comments) is show in the chart below. Data for each day of the week was collected and presented on this graph.


Weekly summary, posts vs comments:


These are all the posts and comments that have the #steemleo tag in them.
The total number of posts on Steemleo in the week is 1938 and 1720 comments. On average there is around 277 posts with the steemleo tag per day.

Votes from @leo.voter

The @leo.voter account is being converted from a bot to a rewarding accounts to users who use the interface. Here is the chart.


We can see that there is increase in the voting since now its being used to reward users who use the Steemleo interface.

A total of 1063 posts voted from the @leo.voter account, with an average around 14 votes per day, more than 2400 STEEM rewarded to a total of 240 users.


As mentioned, this is a new addition to the weekly stats. Here is the chart.


The candles in the chart above are only with low and high data on the daily price with now open and close data.
We can see the spike in the price on 14th and 15th September. On those days the price reached 2 STEEM per LEO.


#steemleo - A Next-Generation Community for Investors

Report by @dalz


Thank you for posting from the interface 🦁

It is cool to know that you reward users using the interface. ;)

Is there a chance that the time required to unstake will be shorter?

I was wanting to transfer some leo from my main account to my Leo account that I just created and it's taking FOREVER! ok not really, but was hoping to get that LEO over to my other account and staked a little quicker.

No ... for now there is not ... 28 days, 4 transactions. I also wish it was shorter :)