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RE: Are The Banks Trying To Doom Themselves?

in #steemleo5 years ago (edited)

Banks probably aren't going anywhere, as unsophisticated investors look to earn a yield of their money, they also provide mortgages, business loans, and credit cards. Never mind investment banks or venture capital. You may not like these institutions but without them, we’d be going backwards. The last financial crisis was caused by the government not the banks, who do you think buys, insures and bundles all these loans for mortgage-backed securities? They’re creating the demand and currently own the riskiest portfolio of mortgages in the country of which they’ve agreed to insure them all to value. When this countries economy fails and it will, it will not be due to private industry, it will be the government that's to blame. And when it does fail you want to be owning assets, things that can be valued in gold or bitcoin (or just own gold or bitcoin, I prefer stocks) since the dollar will be toilet paper at that point.


The banks control the governments.

That's the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. So when Washington Mutual was seized by the fed and handed over to Chase wiping out the shareholders who was controlling who?

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