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RE: A Chat With A Steem Investor …….. Steemians Speak – Rising Steem Prices....... This Week On Steemit…….. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #28 p.2
Interview @edje He has some very interesting suggestions on marketing and other topics. He also has his fun, first experience on trading for newbies to share. I try to learn as well and need all info as possible how to get started.
I wrote a post yesterday to remind myself and help especially all newcomers " Welcome to Steemit" Page . I felt it was much needed to put this guide in a summery.
Thank you for mentioning me. I'll write a comment to this post.
For newbies: you may also refer them to this link "Useful STEEMIT TOOLS and LINKS"; It is a collection of very useful links ( such as the etiquette guide by @thecryptofriend ( the help pages ( and a whole set of Steemit tools created by the community ( ). I'm gonna update the link with some of the new posts I've seen which will help newbies as well to quicker understand Steemit, and to navigate through the various services.
I added this link in my post of today as well. I forgot @edje
No worries at all ;)
I've added your post ((great post BTW) ) for newbies to the same LINK guide.
Great links compilation you've got there.
Thanks @mammasitta for your consistent support. Will check him out. Sounds like a cool guy. Saw your post ysday and it was a nice read.