
Thank you XD

Would it be ok if i asked you some questions related to steemit?

Of course! There's a ton of people on here that know WAY more than I do, but I'll do what I can!

  1. What is the benefit from re-steeming

  2. When is it best to use an upvote on someones content money wise ;)

Here's a great article on re-streaming...

As far as upvoting, you only get a certain amount of power. You start every day with 100%, and it goes down from there, so you really want to only upvote the articles you benefit or appreciate the most. You don't have to upvote at 100% power either...once you can upvote at least $.02, you'll be able to modify how much of an upvote you want to give. Hope this helps!

Thanks a ton :)

you also answered my own unasked question sir..thanks..will be glad if am being followed by you..thanks