

Totally different question for my honorable visitor here: Do you know if anybody ever interfaced with Steem from C#? i asked in steemdevs discord but not 1 answer. Tkx.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have had C# devs ask about writing their own library for broadcasting transactions. I did not get the impression that they were going to make their library open source, though.

i might look into it, i start a new C# job tomorrow, i have to get myself interested, i am not really a Microsoft fan. A bit of unity with a little steem lib would do miracles to get me enthusiastic. Cheers, will definitely make it open if i do it.

Posted using Partiko Android

You might also be interested in the Microsoft distribution of Linux. I was surprised to see that they have a dotnet command that executes .exe and .dll files right in the terminal. Maybe that's old news, but it's new to me.