Splinterlands: Lux Vega is Great

Lux Purchase.png

I never doubted that Lux Vega would be one of the best cards available for players. The thought of it being part of Splinterfest made it not only unique but powerful as a sort after card. I had this card on my budget ever since the announcement of Splinterfest. While the dinner with the team was a great benefit for the VIP ticket, the Gold Foil Lux Vega was the real reason for getting the VIP ticket for the event.

I was surprised with how quickly they were able to release it as the team had been dealing with a lot of releases during the quarter. It was actually pretty tough to budget for this as the other releases like Tower Defense and Riftwatchers had already made a big hole in my virtual wallet; particularly in SPS. I was actually glad they decided to sell for DEC and the Vouchers for a discount was the blessing that made what I ended up doing possible. If not done this way, some sacrifices may have had to happen around other assets in the ecosystem.

My approach was to buy a Regular Foil version first to see if I got lucky with a Gold Foil. It appears all that luck went to Jim Morgan as he went 2 for 2 on Gold Foils for Lux Vega! However, I was ok with that as I knew this would be a good card for rentals and even potentially for land in the future. In fact, I would have probably wanted to go for another but funds were surely limited given the purchase of my Gold Foil version. I was pleased with the Voucher discount as I have continued to hold them despite the drop in price. If I would have gotten a second Gold Foil, my idea was to negotiate a trade for a Gold Foil Runi as the Lux Vega is likely more scarce and more useful within the game at the moment.

I have found myself using it quite a bit during all types of battles. I also see a large number of people using it at the Gold and Diamond Leagues while I am there at the beginning of the Season. I think there is no doubt that this is a key card for any Collection and the fact that only about 1k exist will only validate its value and utility. If I ever have extra funds not needed elsewhere and prices fall, I know where I will be looking first! However, with so may smart players and investors around, I doubt I will get that opportunity!

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