Why is steem power important?
Reputation Vs Steem Power
In the view of new users, a reputation that determines the level of seniority, if they have a reputation under forty (40), perhaps they consider being senior are reputable people over fifty (50), but for long-time steemit users, they think senior is a person who has a great steem power. Regardless of the different point view, we must be sure `the greater our reputation the greater our responsibility '.
Hope from newcomers
When we talk about social problems then as a person who has been considered senior, we must give support to those who just joined in steemit. now the problem is can we bear the senior word on our shoulders?
This is where knowledge is so desperately needed, we must be able to give and answer the questions they ask, sometimes we are ashamed of ourselves, the basic questions like where is the money comes from, we can not explain it.
another classic problem is steem power when they ask for help to upvote their posts, what our answer is I do not have steem power
, my vote value is still $ 0.00 !. They certainly think we've been looking for profit only in steemit, without trying to do something that can provide more benefits.
Actually, we should be ashamed, with a reputation over fifty (50) but we have not been able and have not helped them even though only $ 0.01.
Let us set aside some of our income to power up and help those just starting in steemit.
Best Regards from #aceh
Looks like all this is not easy gurei
yes, it all depends on our thought buddy, it's better if we put some income away, let's just save. :)
if so the best .....! I hope gurei can continue to help us in any case
We will to the best brother :)
Steem Power is totaly the most important thing in steemit, no doubt about it.
Lot of people think that the are nothing and weak, no power, no value vote, but actually they are counted.
I will explained it in my next post, which explain that All Steemian Have a Power even Newbie.
please follow me and get that secret... tq.
Thank brother, absolutely every vote is counted. good news if you can write more explain about it!
will do it...
i like upvote, even though my sound like a sheep rather than lion :-) hahaha...
because i'm newbie, i just pick too little thing, maybe :-)
Its between social and material I think. Everyone have their opinion about it. Specially new-comers like me always look over the reputation as senior-junior to learn more and support each other. But the real power still ‘the power’ even though doing nothing in the platform exept invest.
I wish u’ll get more and more reputation and more power to gain yourself and support us.
Thanks suhu. 😁🙏🏽
I pray for that, my community (#nsc) goal is to support newcommer!
Thanks for the advise dude, i'd try to join #nsc community but i've not understand yet about the way and the rule too, and i dont have any SBD yet now to go further.. hehe
btw i've vote for @vesteem witness and following you rakan :) haha
Hugo thanks brother,..
groon post @binjeeclick... STEEMPOWER is the main thing in STEEMIT. High reputation with a little STEEMPOWER as Rimueng hana igou
Hahaha, agree..
Dilema yang sedang berlangsung dana akan berlangsung gure @binjeeclik, pada persepsi pertama pemula ingin cepat bangun dengan instan termasuk dengan mengajak teman-teman ngopi untuk bergabung dengan Steemit, kenapa? Dengan harapan teman ngopi bisa membantu meningkatkan power nya dengan vote", namun apa daya, pemula sama-sama lemah, sehingga nilai vote nya seperti dikatakan akun @sponge-bob tempo hari yaitu berupa telur angsa atau bernilai $0.000, beruntung mereka punya $0.001, jadi solusi apa? Bergabung lah mereka dengan berbagai komunitas Stemit di kota nya dimana di dalamnya ada beberapa ikan kecil* yang di harapkan dapat memberikan 0.6% nilai vote nya.. jadi kami para pemula akan berlomba-lomba menarik perhatian para ikan kecil termasuk mem-follow mereka dengan harapan mereka akan follow kembali sehingga post para pemula akan terpantau mereka, mereka berlomba-lomba untuk cepat memberikan vote dengan harapan mendapatkan invite😂😂
Kenyataan nya
Kebanyakan mereka terlalu angkuh dan sombong, mereka mengabaikan para komunitas sendiri, saat jumpa kita tanya, kenapa hal ini terjadi, dengan enteng di menjawab, tulisannya tidak bermutu jadi mereka langsung menghukum para pemula, bukan membimbing nya. Pengalaman ini sebagian pengalaman saya pribadi yang ada komunikasi KSI di kabupaten saya, komunitas ini menguntungkan para usia 50 keatas, dan mengabaikan para planton maka saya dan @lamkote lebih memilih sebagai Steemit solo jadi kami bisa bebas bergerak ke akun-akun yang baik hati. Di akhir komentar saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih yang luar biasa buat gure semoga ini di baca oleh sebagian orang yang saya sebutkan di atas. Dan mereka akan sadar, sendiri Meraka juga gak bisa apa-apa. Terimakasih
Maaf bila ada kata-kata yang salah dan kurang berkenan
Good job guree
iya, saya sendiri merasakan hal yang sama saat baru mulai di steemit, bimbingan dari para senior yang mengarahkan saya untuk jadi lebih baik, kita jangan menghakimi komunitas karena pada dasarnya tujuan dari komunitas adalah wadah untuk saling sharing. terlepas dari berbagai macam dilema yang di hadapi oleh pendatang baru, saya rasa komunitas itu penting!
Salam hangat dari #nsc
Gure @binjeeclik komunitas sebenarnya sesuatu yang sangat baik, cuma sebagian oknum yang memanfaatkan komunitas buat kepentingan di luar komunitas, saya sadar ada orang tertentu di besarkan oleh komunitas.,
oknum,.. :)
memang tidak bisa di nafikan, selalu anda yang mengambil manfaat,.
Setuju gure @binjeeclick tetapi tidak sedikit oknum yang malah membatu dengan iklas.
Bukannya saya mau mengumpat atau menghakimi orang besar tapi sebagian yang anda katakan memang begitu @zubirsteem. Benerapa hari yang lalu hal itu sudah saya paparkan sedikit dalam postingan saya https://busy.org/@lamkote/steemian-yang-terpinggirkan dan kita sudah membahas tentang pro-kontra permasalahan tersebut. Menyenangkan mengetahui masih ada ikan kecil yang mau berbagi dengan plankton seperti kanda @binjeeklick, @riostarr, @ilyasismail dan beberapa senior lainnya, walau sebagian besar mereka lebih memburu lumba-lumba dan paus. Tapi itu sangat wajar mengingat steemit menjanjikan bonus yang nyata. Salam kompak sesama steemian solo.
@lamkote merinding saya dengan kata-kata terpinggirkan semoga komunitas kita tidak begitu adanya, salam kompak selalu 😊😉
bukan terpinggirkan yang sebenarnya, tapi hanya sebagai kata-kata perbandingan yang ironi saja.. salam kompak juga @zubirsteem
Terkadang kata-kata juga salah satu luapan perasaan, sangat bagus di luapkan leat kata-kata di bandingkan dengan perbuatan 😉
What you say was something I'm thinking about. I think it's natural if a newcomer thinks like it. A senior is really expected by newcomer to guide and if possible for upvote too. As time passes, surely newcomer will understand about what is actually he must to do. Thanks for your knowledge sharing.
thanks for the comment brother, we must help this community with supportive of each other :)
In my opinion, if this article extends to the content quality edition offered by Steemian, I think it will be balanced.
Should be understood by newcomers, the concept is not solely on the distribution of alms, but must be based on the offerings of quality content.
A disappointment of some whales as they have awarded rewards to criminals (scammers), disappointment is also experienced by us, meaning we support the crime.
I totally agree with the master, as a newcomer in first steep keeps learning how the steemit works, after that create a quality content and ask senior to review. Importantly Never beg for the upvote!. We must know the quality content invited upvoter!
Best regards.
binjeeclick i offer Very low rate Resteem service No one can offer at this rate Sand 0.050 @farhannaqvi7 i will resteem your post to my 2100 plus followers and if you want to get my vote then sand 0.070 its very low rate S
thx brother, i will try your service :)
If member of community doing support each other upvote and comment, maybe we are get growing up together. But they not work together just catch who have biggest steem power and forget at the root
Lol, like you say brother, everyone have they view..
that's exactly what I feel, this is a very useful lesson for me, my friend
Wow, thx for comment..