Issue 16- My Hero: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

in #steempress6 years ago

Issue 16- My Hero: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

With the recent passing of legendary Marvel artist and Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko, I would like to introduce you to another, lesser known character he helped to develop. Yes, in case you completely missed the title, it’s THE UNBEATABLE Squirrel Girl and no, that title is not just another misleading headline. She has literally beaten some of the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe.

So who is this fluffy tailed hero? What are her powers? What possessed the creators to even come up with such an extraordinary character? Well stay tuned as I answer all that and more on this Issue of Comics Corner!

(Oh my god she’s drawn so adorable! Wait till I ruin this with her first appearance!)

Unbeatable Origins!

So our story begins as most do. Squirrels on some guys roof, annoying him. Nope, not kidding here. Will Murray came up with the inspiration for the character from a pest control situation. Add into the fact that he included some aspects of his current girlfriend at the time who was an wild animal enthusiast and our hero was born!

Bringing on the legendary Steve Ditko to bring her to life, her first appearance and… ok. What I’m about to show you is event and while Murray says he loved it, well... Ok, ok, I’ve stalled this enough, get ready for her original design and the snark to come with it.


Yeah, no two ways about it. Our introduction in Marvel Super Heroes #8 to the character will haunt your dreams. She looks more like a crazed lunatic then the adorable hero we all know and love. Oh and in her first adventure? She single handedly beats Doctor Doom. Yes. THAT Dr. Doom.

Unfortunately after her first successful outing she was pretty much regulated to side character status, even appearing with the funny Great Lakes Avengers team where all the super hero rejects at the time landed.

Luckily, her fortunes turned as she was brought back in cameos before becoming Luke Cage and Jessica Jones go to babysitter before finally getting her well earned and much beloved series.

Who IS Squirrel Girl?

Born Doreen Green, our hero was mutated at birth. Although not a mutant, she was gifted with extraordinary strength, speed, agility and the ability to talk to and control, well, Squirrels. With her pet-sidekick Tippy-Toe, yes that's a real character, she has beat or befriended most of the main Marvel Universe.

I’m not kidding either, from her debut with kicking Doom’s butt to her take-down of Thanos, it became an in joke that she is officially the most powerful character in the Marvel Universe. And of course her own series leans into that but we’ll get there.

(HOW! WHY! It doesn’t matter, she’s the best! And as the captions say, he was the REAL Thanos!)

The thing is, she knew she was considered a joke by many, even when she joined the Great Lakes Avengers but ever since she was a little girl she wanted to be a hero. Remember her first appearance? Ok, yeah, that memory will NEVER leave but she was only 14 at the time. Her greatest power however has to be her endless optimism and hope, turning a great many villains into allies but make no mistake. She will whoop your butt if need be.

Before starring in her own series she had plenty of team ups slowly developing her from some funny side character into a fully fleshed person. Doreen made friends with BOTH Wolverine’s and even Deadpool. The latter she did defeat right out the gate before they put differences aside.

Her own series continues her adventures as she gets ready for her biggest adventure! College! There she creates an amazing supporting cast including Nancy Whitehead her new friend and confidant. Oh and Nancy's the creator of CAT-THOR!

In her series Squirrel Girl continues to win battles with her eternal optimism, even taking the planetary devourer Galactus and actually making friend with him.

(I’m sorry but Galactus calls Thanos a tool.

And thus her adventures continue! With her own series going strong and with Doreen joining another team in the new Marvel Rising series with her and Ms. Marvel.

Make sure to check that out as well as her on-going series!

Next issue we’ll be doing another take-down, with an ongoing series that I’ll pop up with every time I feel like I need to do a hit peace. Get ready for The Most Hated COMICS: Avengers #200! Excelsior!

(I have to end on the most awesome fan-comic ever! CAT-THOR! Thanks Nancy!)


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A drastic character change. Really Interesting info. @comicscorner. Check out my comic blog if you want.

Sure, hope you keep reading too!

Yeah! I like your blog and it's related to what I do too. @comicscorner