Errors that are committed against childhood, therefore harming their learning.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

"The true character of a society is revealed by the way it treats its children."

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Some injustices that we, as a society, are committing against children even without realizing it:

1) Deprivation of natural birth and breastfeeding. Cesarean section is an advance in gynecological medicine and saves the mother and baby's life in many cases. However, in some countries, the number of cesarean sections far exceeds that recommended by world organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

> "92% of deliveries in Rio de Janeiro are cesarean sections". Some studies already show that children born by cesarean section are more likely to be premature and have respiratory or allergic problems. The same happens with breastfeeding. Many women want to breastfeed their children until six months, the minimum recommended by the WHO, but they do not get it because they have to return to work soon or because they begin to give ready formulas for the children very early. Breastfeeding does well for both mother and children, prevents diseases, strengthens immunity and even creates a bond between mother and child that will last forever.

2) Outsourcing of Children Many times, because of the current of day to day, children spend more time in nurseries or with nannies than with their own parents and siblings. Of course, many of us need to go back to work, but taking some hours of the day to stay with our children is essential. "Coexistence is what gives us intimacy, the ability to be together, love, the feeling of knowing someone and we are losing that because of the outsourcing of childhood."

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3) Childhood intoxication Because of the day-to-day careers, people end up leaving home-cooked, lovingly prepared food behind and opting for ready, frozen dishes that only need to be microwaved. At the time of the emergency, you have no problem. This starts to be a problem when frozen foods stop being part of the exception and become a habit. They are foods rich in fat, salt, and sugar. That is why: "Obesity and diabetes are exploding in childhood". In addition, many times even foods that we believe are natural can be full of pesticides, since there is not such a big concern with that problem.

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4) Confinement and permanent distraction Children today spend up to eight hours a day on tablets, cell phones, televisions, and computers. They are eight hours connected with electronic devices that prevent them from having a moment of boredom to create and release their imagination. "Boredom and emptiness are the cradle of what is most important to us, creativity and imagination, we are amputating that of our children. And the most worrying thing is that this exaggeration of technology is often encouraged by us, even without our realizing it. Of course, nothing prevents your child playing from time to time with some electronic games, the problem is to leave the children all the time glazed on a small screen while they could be there playing. "Win many gifts when what the child needs is a presence."

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5) mercantilization of childhood and child Consumerism Being always in front of television ends up exposing children to all kinds of advertising that encourage consumerism. "This publicity is cowardly, it explores the inability of the child to distinguish fantasy from reality, explores her love for characters and instigates values such as obsessive consumerism, hyper valuation of appearance and futility".

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6) Adulation and eroticization precious

Many advertisements use children erotically to sell various products. This eroticization is based on machismo, the objectification of girls and women and the excessive evaluation of appearance. Children who are objectified from an early age have a great opportunity to have contact with sex before the ideal, even before physical sexual maturity.

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7) Super protection of childhood

Many of us, parents, to compensate for the absence because of work, we try to please our children in all ways and we end up losing authority over them. Is that children need an adult to guide them, to teach them what is right, what is wrong and what they need to do. "People know that the importance of the boundaries of what is not fundamental forms of love, people need to give limits to our children, but people are losing that capacity."

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In addition, many children today take strong remedies against diseases such as hyperactivity, ADHD, various disorders and other clinical pictures that often do not exist. "What we see is not an epidemic of diseases, it is a massacre against childhood."

It has a solution?

Of course, yes! Children only need two fundamental factors to grow happy and healthy, everything else derives from them: time and space.
Time, which today is our most precious asset, must be dedicated to our children. This involves spending one or two hours a day with the child, to hear it, play with it, establish a bond and get excited with each conquest of it.

Space has to do with the quality of life: imagine a place where you would like to live to raise your children. Of course, this place has squares, lots of trees, fresh air and plenty of space for children to run and play. This is because nature is very important for people, mainly for children. A healthy place for families is a space where health and sustainability go hand in hand.

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Can't stress enough how important it is to give children the kind of healthy childhood they deserve - and us adults a more wholesome lifestyle.

Lovely points, and very well written.

Thank you for this lovely contribution.

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