Seablue Journal: The Shitcoin Rally.
Labor Day is gone and it is back to the usual routines in the house. Everyone has gone to work and I'm all by myself. I love it!
I struggled to get much sleep while working over the weekend. On Labor Day I managed to have a nap during the day and went to bed early. Around 4:30 AM I woke and plonked myself down in front of the computer.
I've been watching with regularity. The recent rise in prices led by DOGE was quite amusing. In my mind, I had labeled it the 'Shitcoin Rally'. This was reinforced this morning when I woke to find BitcoinDark as the biggest gainer of the day. The website for BitcoinDark doesn't even exist now. It comes up as a parked domain with advertising. I guess if DOGE is going to have a rally people might as well pump all the shitcoins too.
The day before I was watching HOLO (Holochain) lead the gains. HOLO was a little more interesting. I spent hours reading about HOLO and visiting the markets where I could purchase it. I didn't buy any, because I loathe chasing a price, but it went on my list of things to watch and consider should the price be right.
I did regret letting XMR get away from me. I'd been watching it and considering that it hadn't had a rally in a while. I thought about getting it. I even loaded up my XMR wallet and synched with the network, but I never pulled the trigger.
The more I look at my portfolio though, the more I think I need to focus in on a few coins. My BTC holdings are better than they've ever been. Seeing these prices so low has me thinking it is an obvious move to buy BTC. I always have a chunk of BCH (Bitcoin Cash) because that is the cheapest way of moving crypto to fiat.
EOS is my bet in the speculative part of the portfolio. Again, prices are down and I think it is time to accumulate.
My wildest speculative bet, Polymath, is giving me the most heartache. I was reading on the Polymath subreddit this morning and nothing I read filled me with much confidence. I probably would have sold but for the thought that I would sell at a loss. Even a shitcoin can rise in a bull market. There is still time to make some gains on Polymath.
My best buy of the week is a bittersweet one. I replaced the NEO I had sold on the way down. I bought NEO at the top of the market for close on $150. I sold it for less than half what I bought it for because I was hard up for cash. When the price went to $15 I bought back the same amount that I had bought at the top of the market. It has since gone to around $20. It is going to be a long haul to break even on that trade though. It feels good to have that little stake in the NEO hype train.
Steem? Well, I'm a little jaded on Steem. Probably enough said about that. It is still the only platform that pays me for blogging.
I don't often talk about cryptocurrency on my blogs. I figured there are a wealth of posts about it on Steemit already. It is a subject that consumes many hours of my time though. I probably have many things to say about it, but little that I feel qualified to say. I'm a bit of a noob to the scene, having only started in late 2016. I've learned a few things along the way, but I feel like there is plenty for me to learn still.
How was your week in crypto?

The Great Blue Sea.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress
Quite an ok week it was going but now all of a sudden dump :(
The market makers are still trying to shake out the weak hands.
I'm accumulating a bit right now too, and of course I have a nice variety of shitcoins.
My most hopeful holdings at this point are:
BNB - This token kept me growing all through the negative market.
Of course one has to hold BTC, but I am not a huge fan! :)
I have a bit of a thing for BNB too! They will burn some more BNB in October I think, so the price will probably rise in reaction to that event.
BAT is another one I have because I'm using the Brave browser, or at least I was using it, until it started randomly logging me out of all my accounts. It also doesn't handle the clipboard functions very well. But........other than that...its is an okay browser.
I like that they keep depositing BAT in my browser wallet. I never have to top up my BAT at all.