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RE: The Crucible Of The Soul

in #steempress6 years ago

Beautifully written. Really says something about the nature of alchemy and the personal process of transformation for sure. Of the distillation of all the elements within our cauldron in order to birth the gift of which is our creation bestowed upon the world... love the way you brought this down and in, I have a very similar view although I don’t work with the iChing much. Its more the essence of the understanding, in which all forms of divination are a reflection of the self that arrive in the perfect form to convey an archetypical understanding. Yet, the energy of that pattern underneath is universal, and is what all language attempts to convey. I feel, that when we tap into that essence, we are more able to see the through-line of how all things are emblems of a great process, the Great Work of the Alchemy of Life itself, expressing itself through an infinite myriad of forms. Yet, a great question to ask, why does the same pattern remain? Does this not point to a grand intelligence, a creative force, behind all things?