STEEMPUNK-NET -- Update No. 13 -- Win 50 Steem : Art Contest still running -- Dicebot implemented -- Housing running(English/German)

in #steempunknet7 years ago (edited)



Hi all and be welcome to the Weekly Newsletter Number 13!

Character Artwork contest up and running: WIN 50 STEEM! --> here

We launched our very first task request via and in doing so have opened the contest to draw our 4 Characters that we are having in game. We want to have new and improved graphics and give out 50 Steem as prize to the winner, drawing both Adventurer(male&female) and Aristocrat(male&female)!


Check the stats on @steempunksnet

Like already mentioned we are having now daily and weekly stats on the @steempunksnet account. Check out the stats!
And if you have ideas for additional ones please come to us in STEEMPUNK-NET Discord, we are always happy to receive ideas

  • Daily battles currently : > 200
  • Players : 218

Problems with the MySQL bridge (again, sigh)

We thought that we had fixed everything, but sometimes there are problems buried deeper. We are having a close watch on the performance now, so it should be fine!


Implemented an idea out of the community

Our fantastic community, in particular @justatouchfey and @pandorasbox came to us with a beautiful idea. Steempunknet is now reacting on commands in comments!
Why are we doing this? Well we said right from the start that we want to bring back fun and improve interaction.
What can you do currently? write @steempunknet roll or @steempunknet 8ball in a comment and see what is happening ;)

Since the blockchain is having some problems nowadays, replies might take a while. We are planning to have this within a minute!


What else are we working on?

  • Housing is running fine, we are working hard on a release somewhere in March 18.
  • Spanish translation is currently being done by @jillfeint
  • @rizaldamti wants to start translating to indonesian
  • @kunilunde is working hard on the housing artworks and will soon show her work
  • Server status website is done and will launch in the next days
  • More stats are to be set live in order to have more players participating in payouts


Do not forget our Artists

The story around Langdon Bennett is evolving, see the blog of @asperger-kids to follow the story!
I heard that there are other storytellers getting ready in the ever growing Steempunk community to show their talent!
Stay tuned!


Advisors & Sponsors

It is a special honour for us to have @Teamsteem as our first official Advisor, he is doing a marvelous work for Steem and has been already of very great value for us!
If you did not do already please consider voting him as a witness.

Do you also want to help us bring value to steem and be mentioned here? We would be more than happy to have you on board! Come to our STEEMPUNK-NET Discord Server and talk to us!
We are looking forward to help Steem grow!

Thanks alot for reading!

Jan, for the STEEMPUNK-NET Team

|german version|


Hallo zusammen und Willkommen zum Update Nummer 10 von STEEMPUNK-NET!

Charakter Artwork Wettbewerb : GEWINNT 50 STEEM! --> schaut hier

Wir haben unseren allerersten Task Request über Utopian gestartet und suchen begeisterte Designer und Künstler die unsere derzeitigen Charaktere innerhalb des Spiels neu gestalten. Wir haben derzeit den Abenteurer(männlich&weiblich) und den Aristokraten(männlich&weiblich) und haben einen Preis von 50 STEEM für den Gewinner ausgesetzt!
Der Contest läuft bis zum 23.01.2018 um Mitternacht CET.


Checkt die Stats auf @steempunksnet

Wie oben schon beiläufig erwähnt haben wir unser Statistik Modul live geschaltet, die täglichen und wöchentlichen Stats findest du unter @steempunksnet! Falls ihr weitere Ideen habt kommt zu uns auf denSTEEMPUNK-NET Discord, wir sind immer froh neue Ideen zu hören!

  • Tägliche Kämpfe immoment : > 200
  • Spieler : 218


Probleme mit der MySQL Bridge (schon wieder, seufz)

Immoment gibt es eine Menge Lags und Ruckler in der Blockchain, das macht selbstverständlich auch vor unseren Servern nicht halt. Wir haben ein Auge darauf und werden direkt informieren wenn der Lag wieder ansteigt!


Idee aus unserer fantastischen Community umgesetzt!

@justatouchfey und @pandorasbox aus der Steempunk Community kamen mit einer wunderbaren Idee auf uns zu und wir haben diese direkt umgesetzt!
@steempunknet reagiert jetzt auf eure Kommandos in den Kommentaren!
Warum machen wir sowas? Wir haben von Anfang an gesagt, dass wir Spaß und Interaktion fördern wollen ;)
Was kann man denn damit machen? Schreibt @steempunknet roll oder @steempunknet 8ball in ein Kommentar und lasst euch überraschen :)

Da die Blockchain ein wenig laggt, kann es ein bisschen dauern bis @steempunknet antwortet. Generell peilen wir Antworten innerhalb einer Minute an


An was arbeiten wir immoment noch?

  • Housing läuft gut, wir arbeiten hart auf einen Veröffentlichungstermin im März 18 hin.
  • Die Spanische ÜBersetzung wird immoment von @jillfeint angefertigt
  • @rizaldamti wollte die indonesische Übersetzung angehen
  • @kunilunde arbeitet derzeit an den housing artworks und wird uns bald ihre Arbeiten vorstellen
  • Die Server Status Website ist fertig und wird in den nächsten Tagen veröffentlicht
  • Wir arbeiten an weiteren Stats um die Anzahl der Belohnungen an Spieler zu erhöhen


Vergesst unsere tollen Künstler nicht!

Die Story rund um Langdon Bennett geht weiter! Checkt den Blog von @asperger-kids um dabei zu bleiben!
**Auch andere Autoren in der wachsenden Steempunk Community haben ihre Fühler ausgestreckt und sind dabei eigene Geschichten zu entwerfen! **
Bleibt dran!


Berater & Sponsoren

Es ist uns eine große Ehre @Teamsteem als unseren ersten Berater an Bord zu haben, er leistet großartige Arbeit rund um Steem und war uns schon eine große Unterstützung!
Er macht ebenfalls großartige Arbeit als Witness, voted Teamsteem mit eurer Witness Stimme!

Willst du auch hier erwähnt werden und uns dabei helfen Wert für Steem zu schaffen? Dann komm zu uns in den STEEMPUNK-NET Discord Server und lass uns reden! Wir freuen uns darauf Steem beim Wachsen zu helfen!

Vielen Dank fürs Lesen!

Jan, für das STEEMPUNK-NET Team


The dice bot and 8ball bot are awesome!
I requested this feature based on the fun daily turnbased RPG game that @happyme is running.

She found out about these new bots and was very pleasantly surprised! I think we're going to start using this bot in our games. Although @happyme tried it out and it seemed to roll the same number over and over.. maybe some kinks need to be worked out still. Regardless, very excited and hope they get used a lot by the community!

Extra add-on features: maybe there could be additional commands you give it. Like @steempunknet roll Strength would make a STR roll based on your Steempunknet character's stats

You rolled a 3

Sorry for the late reply. i was the last day on tour and hadn't internet connection :((((
Can you give me an exmaple?

an example of the bot malfunctioning you mean? No need, the problem (if there was any!) seems to be fixed!
We're currently using the bot!

Realy? Yeah that's cool. I am glad that it helps you 😊

Wait.... We've got a dice roll bot now ?

... Who's up for one of those roleplaying turn/post based survival games that were/are popular on forums ? XD

Bravo on the progress !

Hmmm, that's -- almost tempting. Though PbP is an annoying format to try and work around. (And most of my attempts at such a design have been diceless.)

I've only ever been a player in those kinds of games, bu I've seen enough of them fail or end catastrophically because the wrong person didn't choose an action in the alloted time to know the format's pretty hard to get working.

another format I love (though MUCH more complex. so complex I've never attempted to join. they make excellent reading thoug) is SbS on Dwarf Fortress.

They pass the fortress around after each season, and it becomes a glorious blaze of horror and glory before long XD

I've seen a lot of gameplay which leverages handing around Kerbal Space Program saves like that, too. You can get up to all sorts of mad shenanigans that way.

I was thinking about some of my old, shit-canned designs, and it might be reasonable to break out one of the "resource allocation" games which I was tinkering around with as a way to play by post with people who don't necessarily have the ability to respond in a synchronous manner. The key mechanic was to recognize that each player only has so many Tokens to invest in the reality of a given statement, and at the end of every post/response they need to summarize all of the statements which they have Tokens invested in along with any changes they made during that post.

I think it could work and it wouldn't require people to be completely synchronous. It might do well with some sort of out-of-forum record-keeping on a wiki or something, but that's true of a lot of things. I wonder if I could refine the design down to the point where only the "end piece metadata" was necessary.

Well, it's a thought.

I don't know if you've ever seen Storium, but it's something you should probably look at. It doesn't provide the kind of gameplay I really want, but it at least expresses a framework for online gameplay connected to forum-style interfaces which is functional, and I think anybody interested in online, asynchronous/play-by-post role-playing games should probably have some experience of it.

Ei klasse, es läuft und geht vorwärts.
Ich bin super gespannt was da noch so kommt und was die tolle Community noch beisteuern wird. Macht auf jeden Fall jetzt schon richtig Spass.

I can translate texts from English into Russian. Or check for errors in the Russian texts.

At the moment we have no russian translation. So the gametextes in russian would be very nice.
if you want you can visit us in our discord chanel if you like. then we can talk about it. :-)

What a great project I'm seeing here!, Congrats and keep up the good work.

You rolled a 3

You rolled a 3

testing :D
@steempunknet 8ball

I throw and shake the 8 ball. The magic 8 Ball says: Most likely

You want to ask the 8 ball for his opinion, too?
Then just write @steempunknet 8ball

Oh, what fun! :D
Now all I need to do is come up with some deep philosophical questions ...

You rolled a 5

Mmh nothing happens???

You rolled a 1

I throw and shake the 8 ball. The magic 8 Ball says: Very doubtful

You want to ask the 8 ball for his opinion, too?
Then just write @steempunknet 8ball