Sell your vote and get SBD and STEEM | Jual vote anda dan dapatkan SBD dan STEEM (bilingual)

in #steemrepo7 years ago

Hi friends Professor Gila everything ...

Hopefully all healthy friends ...

Today Prof wants to invite all friends to get additional SBD or Steem for your steemit account ...

The trick is easy ...

Condition, we just login and must sell our vote ...

The login is also secure, via steemconnect ...

Who wants to follow, please see step by step below ...

  1. Require login via smartsteem

  2. Click Login and friends will be transferred to steemconnect ...

Click CONTINUE ...
And friends will be directed to Login box ...

the contents of the login box according to your friend's steemit account ...

Once everything is in content, click SIGN IN ...

Then friends will return to the page SmartSteem already friends via login steemconnect earlier ...

Then find and click SELL VOTES NOW, and friends will go into your vote sales settings ...

Here friends select Authorize Smartsteem in the bottom row, will open a new tab and required to login once again as the first login was ...

After login, friends reopen back to the Sell Votes Now tab and reload once to update the view ...

Because the setting is set up as good as possible by the service provider Sell Votes Now, then the friend can directly click save below it ...

Hai sahabat Profesor Gila semuanya...

Semoga sahabat semua sehat wal'afiat...

Hari ini Prof ingin mengajak sahabat semua untuk mendapatkan SBD atau Steem tambahan untuk akun steemit kalian...

Caranya gampang...

Syaratnya, kita cuma login dan diharus menjual vote kita...

Loginnya juga aman, via steemconnect...

Yang mau ikutan, silahkan lihat step by step dibawah ini...

  1. Wajib masuk melalui smartsteem

  2. Klik Login dan sahabat akan dialihkan ke steemconnect...



Dan sahabat akan diarahkan ke kotak Login...


isi kotak login sesuai akun steemit sahabat...

Setelah semuanya di isi, klik SIGN IN...

Kemudian sahabat akan kembali ke halaman SmartSteem yang sudah sahabat login via steemconnect tadi...


Kemudian cari dan klik SELL VOTES NOW, dan sahabat akan masuk ke pengaturan penjualan vote kalian...


Disini sahabat pilih Authorize Smartsteem di barisan paling bawah, nanti akan terbuka tab baru dan diharuskan login sekali lagi seperti login pertama tadi...

Setelah login, sahabat buka kembali lagi ke tab Sell Votes Now dan reload sekali untuk memperbarui tampilan...


Karena settingan sudah diatur sebagus mungkin oleh penyedia layanan Sell Votes Now, maka sahabat bisa langsung klik save dibawahnya...