2017 steem silver round raffle. By @fat-elvis
Contest is over... Congrats to @harleymechanix for the win!
That's right folks, it's raffle time again...
How about #370??? That seems like a good one!
This little beauty will go for the good of the many, as I will donate all entries to @steemsilverround to bring down the cost for the 2018 release!
You can't go wrong, enter this, maybe win a round, but lower the cost of the 2018 round in the process!
But then... @thedamus raised the bar, by sending another round to some other member of your choice! So I'll match that and send a round to a brand new member of your choice if you win! So the second round goes only to the new, or participating prospect ssg member you choose! Even if the person isn't a member, but has shown interest, that's cool with me! No rules bitches!
Bid it up mofo's, I'll try to keep everyone in! Send 1sbd to @fat-elvis and I'll give you a spot, tomorrow,I'll close this raffle and announce a winner!
Edit, I've decided to give the godfather of #steemsilvergold a spot so @raybrockman gets a spot for free!
Spot 1 - @knowledge-seeker
Spot 2 - @harleymechanix
Spot 3 - @raybrockman
Spot 4 - @pit-bullion
Spot 5 -@mrs-v
Spot 6 - @goldenarms
Spot 7 - @russellbury
Spot 8 - @welshstacker
Spot 9 - @methus
Spot 10 - @smartcoins
Spot 11 - @owenwat
Spot 12 - @jbcoin
Spot 13 - @willsparks88
Spot 14 - @thedamus
Spot 15 - @thedamus
Spot 16 - @thedamus
Spot 17 -
Spot 18 -
Spot 19 -
Spot 20 -
Yo Fat E, i’ll take any remaining spots up to 5sbd — i just realized 03 70 is my Month and year!!!
Hiok me up daddy-o!!! And tell me what i owe! 😁
Wait... okay, here’s my revision: 5 more spots for @thedamus. Also, i would like to fund 5 spots for the following: @willsparks88, @pit-bullion, @raybrockman, @owenwat, @underground — inwill send 10sbd later this eve... thx bro — you rock!
And if i don’t win, let it be known that I WANT #0370!!! Come talk to Papa! I will sort you out
Correction... 6 more spots: i will fund @john-robert as well — i just won a Morgan on his giveaway... I will send 11sbd this night
Too late buddy! You'll have to go wrestle @harletmechanix for the #370 now!
Nice post. I'm just learning about steemsilvergold. Looks like I missed a great 2017! You mentioned membership and prospective members. Mind directing me to some info about formally joining steemsilvergold?
If you regularly post about silver and gold using the steemsilvergold tag and interact with the community then you will be nominated by another member and voted into the group 👍
Awesome. Thank you I will keep it up.
Also, upvote EVERY Stax post with 100% vote — it’s mandatory — and you’ll be in lickety split!
Done deal.
Count me in! 1 sbd comin' your way @fat-elvis
You got it!
1 SBD sent. Thanks a lot for doing this.
Youre in!
So all I need to do to enter is transfer 1sbd to you correct?
I forget to say thank you for the chance to win or donate however it works out. I think I figured out what to do 😀
Yup. You're in!
Very cool of you man. 1 SBD Sent your way 👍
I got it. You're in!
I'm in and sent the 1sbd over
Updated, you're counted! Thanks
it is a win-win! A chance to win a premium round and help to lower the cost of the 2018, awesome job man and very generous to give two rounds away!
Just doing my part man, we're all in this together!
resteemed man!
I think I'm an old member. But I still want one BAD. Can I enter?
I realize my wording was maybe misleading... Only new member for the free round! You're In if you want buddy!
Ahh.....ahah! That so its a twofer and I get to pick the newbie? Fucking A baller Status! I'm in!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Congrats HM!
Hell To The Fucken YES!!! I been jonezin for one of these rounds ever since I joined #steemsilvergold! THANK YOU so much @fat-elvis I am one stoked fucker right now! How you want the shipping deets?
A little Star Wars raise the roof action.

Steemit.chat works for me or discord. And pick another member to get one as well! Preferably a new ssg member!
Ok discord it is. I would like to send the other one to @ajaxalot I been working on him to get into #steemsilvergold
Holy cow! Thanks man. This will double my supply of silver :) Looking up the Discord now.
Cool, count me in :)