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RE: Getting Baked — Potatos Right?

Where to begin - Steaks awesome but dude $25.00 lb. for rib eye? What????? I hope they feed the cattle bourbon before making steak! I hope you didn't pay $25.00 lb for the potatoes. As for the chive -way cool- my chive have already lost the blossom - so serious props for ending up on your plate. Finally, lets talk the Stones, what - yea JFK in Philadelphia - open seating on the Field - and yes I got some Satisfaction!!!!

Yea so any kid wearing a stones T-shirt while running around on the beach is in fact the boss.

That is probably way too much comment, so now, "I am going to walk before they make me run." (my personal philosophy on life).


Thanks for great comment! I saw ‘em here like 20 yrs ago... and yeah, my kid is a boss! 😁😁😁

Just make sure: “You got the silver, you got the gold...”

"And the blue", but only because I keep Bad Company.

Yeah, saw the price too. Looks like a fabulous cut of steak. Funny how Stackitis makes me unconsciously price everything in silver like the steaks we're at least two Maple Leafs worth of beef.

Maybe we should do a Saturday night feature at #ssg based upon the Friday's Close of silver. Take a picture of what 1 of an ounce of silver could buy for dinner. Friday's close was $16.48. I know I could serve up a nice meal for that. Pirate On!