“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane – 01NO21- 'A new day dawns...'




⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Tour of "High Island")...

[Last time...]

Suddenly a commotion on the main galley stairs broke their sad meditation. Junior Petty Officers Ilversaver888 and Ve3 ran up in an excited stir…

“Sir?! Sir?! The Commander’s going to makes it!” Ilver called out loudly as she ran.

“The surgery is over! Officer Hack is passin' on the word!” Ve3 called out after her.

The two mounted the stairs in one full leap each and as they made their way quickly to the center of the forecastle ignoring protocol. The five joyous sailors hugged one another and slapped each other’s backs. Sheer joy set them all free from the cold, dark night.

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[On the Silverton…sick bay…]
Commander Galligan moaned slightly and then opened his eyes. The room was a hazy blur, but slowly, ever so slowly his vision cleared, and he found himself staring into the intense green eyes of the captain!
“There’s me cheil!” The Captain whispered as he leaned closer, “Welcome back mukker!”

Galligan blinked hard and then snuffed air into his nose as if he had not been breathing in a while…”What…What happened?!”
“Shot…shot by a fockin' cowardly Frenk, hidin' in th' deep shadows o' La Serpent!”

Galligan turned his head slightly as if trying to recall. “Errisl?!”

“She's fine. An' ye might loch tae ken, 'att she pit a baa ben yer attacker!” The captain said with a wink. (See: 'Quickly glancing upward...' https://hive.blog/silvergoldstackers/@joshuaslane/silver-adventures-captain-joshua-slane-31au21-leather-lace-and-blood )

Galligan relaxed a bit and let his head fall back on the pillow, closing his eyes for a moment.

“Ahh wants ye tae rest noo mate. Don’t clutter yer heed wi' onie fockin' worries! That’s an order...” The captain said as he stood up.

Galligan opened his eyes again, but sleep was overtaking him fast as he nodded in slow acknowledgement.

[Up on the main deck…]

Morning’s first light found Junior Petty Officers Nealfa, Ilversaver888 and Ve3 unravelling the ties to the mainsail furl.

“So ye thinks we’ll shove off todays Sir?” Ilversaver888 asked Nealfa as she stuck a pick through a tight knot and pulled it loose.
“Don’t think so- know so. Cockpit Mate Andofzara ordered th' furls doon when Ahh saw him in th' galley this morn'.”
“Weel, Ahh for one, am glad to pull anchor! Ahh’m bloody sick o' lookin' at Main Duck Island!” Ve3 said.
“Aye, an' aren’t we all!” Ilversaver888 agreed with a smile.

[Fort Kingston…the Governor’s house…]
“This dispatch, is to get to Fort Montreal as fast as possible! Are you rested enough to make the journey?” [Translated...] The French Governor asked as he pressed the wax emblem over the fold.
“Yes Sir! More than ready!” First Mate Louis replied as he sat up straight in his chair.
“I’ll supply you with fresh horses and three men to accompany you. Once this reaches Fort Montreal, the Commander there will see to it that it get’s on the first ship bound for France!”

Louis nodded as the governor handed the folded parchment to him and he shoved it into this vest.

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵

🎃 Sassenach fur lainlubbers:

aroon (around), a scuttle (six), afair (before), aff (off), ahh (I), ain (and), an' (and), anither (another), anyain (anyone), 'att (that), athwart (across), aw (all)

baith (both), barnie (fight), beel (bell), ben (through), bevvy (drink), bide (wait, stay), bitts (boots), blaw (blow), blimey (surprise, excitement), bloody nora (bad luck), bludy heel (bloody hell), boak (sick), brin' (bring), brine (sea), bunsens (money)

caa (call), caller (fresh), cannae (cannot), cheil (man), clootie (sail cloth), coods (could), cooldnae (couldn't), coorie (hurry), coppers (pennies, money)

dae (do), dobber (bastard), di'es (dives), donner (walk), doon (down), dorn't (don't), dornt gonnie nae (please don't)

een (eyes), enaw (enough)

fa (who), fash yerse (worry), feit (feet), fesh (fish), fife (five), follaw (follow), folk (family), fower (four), frenk (Frank), fur (for)

gain (gone), gang (go), gauld (gold), gezz (give me), gi'es (gives), glaikit (stupid), gob (mouth), gonnae (going to), guid (good)

hain (hand), hans (hands), hauld (hold), haur (here), heed (head), heel (hell), heem (him), hiner (hope), hodden (common, inexpensive), hoo (how)

isnae (is not)

jawbox (sink), Jetez-nous une ligne! (Throw us a line!), jink (dance)

ken (know), knaw (know)

laddie (boy), lain (land), lang (long), lassie (girl), lest (last), lit (let), loch (lake, like), loon (boy)

mammy (mother), min' (mind), mirk (dark), moggie (cat), mony (many), moorns night (tomorrow), mucker (mate), mukker (close friend)

nae (no, not), naethin' (nothing), nicht (night), noo (now)

oan (on), och (oh), onie (any), oot (out)

pest (past), picters (pictures), pit (put), poochbook (pocketbook), poke (pocket), puir (poor)

raur (rare), reit (right), rin (run), roost (rust)

scran (food), scratcher (bed), shair (shore), sheit (sheet), silvers (silver), skale (school), skelp (hit), spyug (bird), stain (stand), stoaner (hard), stoatin' (great), strang (strong), swally (beer), swatch (look)

tae (to), tatties an' neebs (dinner), tay (too), techt (tight), teels (tell), thaur (there), thee (three), thenk (thank), thes (this), thrang (busy), three bells into the mid-watch (1:30am), tint (lost), tois (two)

ur (or)

waurs (worse), wav (wave), wee (little), weecht (weight), weel (well), whit (what), wi' (with), woods (would), woriat (worried)

ye (you)

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References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, Wikipedia an’ www.google.com/maps. Data also loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

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"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need tae gab with th' Keptin?- Skelp th' 'Reply' button muckers!

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silvergoldstackers leofinance story adventure pirates freewrite writingclub fiction