An Important P.S.A. For Steemians by @thedamus
Hi Friends,
I am angry, i feel victimized, and though i should be in a foul fucking mood, i feel surprisingly calm, clear, and ready to bust out some information that could potentially affect us all.
@grumpycat is an imposter, and a vile hypocrit that needs to be stopped.
Say hello to everybody’s least favourite meme of all time:
You can see that @grumpycat — or should it be gimpycat? Bah ha ha i slay me! — joined Steemit in November and has already achieved a 62 rep — Wow! I wonder how that happened? With just 67 posts and following only 8 other steemians — what a trooper! — something seems wildly distorted.
If you said “upvoting services” then you are correct, and there is no prize for that here and now. I too use upvote bots to my benefit, and i have also “sicked ‘em” on my friend’s posts and on my Steemit crush Stax 😍😍😍
As a point of decency i never go back and upvote a post that’s just about to pay out. I find that tacky according to my steemit sensibilities. And further, i am usually too busy crafting and loving and laughing over a new post anyway, so that posts from last week have already been read over, edited, and enjoyed.
So yesterday i wrote a post called “Junk Smash” where i cracked a few jokes, showed off some killer old silver i just purchased — old Canadian dollars as well as a roll of US constitutional “junk” — AND, i wrote a silly poem that celebrated all the fun we’re all having playing games and pouring silver and holding contests and talking like pirates and all kinds of other shit too.
Here it is:
Now when you go there you will see this:
It’s @grumpycat admonishing me for using upvote bots — and explicitly: sneaky-ninja, buildawhale and appreciator. The reasons given were that “some” people were using these bots to upvote their posts in the last day/hours of it maturing. Check it out! Somewhat confusingly it says: “you or someone else” — well fuck, if it was someone else then what are you talking to me for!!!?
But that is the least of it. Check out who @grumpycat is using to up vote his own posts to up over $1,600
Huh...? Whah...? What kind of bullshit is this? I went off in my own comments, so i’ll try to keep this short... But seriously, what the fuck! @grumpycat is a fucking hypocritical menace that just somehow wiped out 2/3 of my payout that i invested real money into. Meanwhile, this 3month noob is cashing in on $1,600 posts, withdrawing beaucoup and being a supreme cocksucker.
I agree that upvoting old posts is gauche, and i don’t do it. But i also don’t fuck with anyone, and to the contrary, i am generous to the point of wiping out my VP — cause i enjoy being a cool guy.
So congratulation(s) you ignorant fuck that can’t even spell! — you are the deserving winner of my first flag — i’d flag you twice if i could you fucking stump!
I am not sure why i was singled out and bitch-slapped by the biggest bitch i have yet come across here on Steemit. But i do know this: you reap what you sow — so i have all the faith in the world that going forward my happy crops will not even know what a grumpycat is, in time...
@grumpycat — you are an embarrassment and a hypocritical putz-muncher. You are a 3 month old grumpybaby with a huge hammer and zero finesse. Why don’t you pull that silver spoon out of your ass and tell whomever is your poppa to go and get an honest job.
Thank you for listening. I hope i have provided reasonable evidence and clarity for my position.
I am:
And i’m here for a good time AND a long time!
Be good to one another friends — it truly is the better way.
~ love, @thedamus
Just stay away you loser.
I don’t need your hate and greed anywhere near my profile.
Fuck off
Anyone know a guy with a 3$ mill USD troll account who flags people with thousands of dollars on STEEMIT and thinks they are a site admin playing the role of a shady cat?
Imagine its Friday night any week and grumpy cat is at his house, no fam, no friends, all that corn and he is flagging noobs for nothing, ya I just wrote the grumpy cat psychological evaluation.
I bet he fingers bots he does not like so he can push his own bots and corner the market on vote buying like a real champ!
what a drag it is getting old...
I let people use non-grumpycompliant bots to pilfer the reward with shit content.
Maybe my content was just not good enough for self flagellation.
Go find some coyote’s or play in traffic or something...
Who the fuck are you to “let” anyone do anything? You’re a 3month old greed-bot with a stupid name that can’t even be bothered to spell words correctly...
Go suck a dink @gimpycat! And please stay away from my pro-file. You are a rank amateur and an offensive meme, and little else...
Hey @grumpycat, can you please upvote my comment, just want to see how much can someone earn with your 3 million dollar upvote? Just asking.
for you

Youre going against @blocktrades? Ouch.
Thanks for support jaz!
Thanks for support jaz!
Thanks for support jaz!
You'll be even more pissed off when you realize Grumpy sock-puppet self-votes himself sometimes upwards of $10,000 USD per day (after SBD price conversion):
It's cool though, everybody is doing it. Literally.
Don't bother trying to fix anything. Keep your head down, post for maximum ROI, or check the fuck out of this toxic dumpster fire they call a community.
PS - You got a resteem from me on this one, as you saved me from having to make this post myself.
The platform withers as those that would have sustained a viable one are disengaging day by day knowing that rampant abuse of its inherently flawed rewards structure continues unabated.
Steemit Inc and its CEO are asleep at the wheels, with no apparent commitment to resolving any of the site's evidently systemic problems.
The disengagement is happening just as one would expect it to. Even the steem white paper echoes the unendurable nature of the present situation: "Any imbalance in the give and take within a community is unsustainable. Eventually the givers grow tired of supporting the takers and disengage from the community."
What's to stop the community from hard forking Steem and making a our own site?
I don't think that would be worthwhile to be honest. The steem blockchain has potential. It just needs to be extracted from underneath the layers of disarray that have obscured that potential.
This site is currently the face of the steem blockchain. It should not be in beta nearly two years after its inception. The roll out of SMTs may perhaps steer the market's attention elsewhere, and that may ultimately be Steemit Inc's intent in focusing on SMTs instead of addressing the foundational issues of this platform.
If that is the case then it is unfortunate, because a house can't be held up on a weak foundation. Steemit can be better than it is today, in my view. And SMTs and everything else built on the blockchain would be better for it. Even Dan Larimer has implied that in its present iteration the blockchain's rewards distribution mechanism isn't sustainable.
Well there was a hard fork called
Very well said. Almost poetic in composition.
I hope they are right about SMTs. Otherwise...
Thank you. Yes, I hope they are right too. Any deep pocketed crypto market enthusiasts will take one glance at Steemit and sees that it's in beta mode after nearly two years of being online and just shakes their heads. Perhaps the market at large has been so starved of expectations from the company that the promise of something innovative via SMTs is enough to have sparked the current rally we are seeing in steem. Who knows.
I am personally astonished that Steemit Inc has not marketed the passive cashflow opportunities presented with the SP delegation feature. I just recently discovered this functionality of the blockchain and it's the only reason I haven't liquidated my speculative holding. If I understand it correctly, it's essentially like the concept of proof of stake.
Many contend that it's the very promise of this feature that sparked ethereum's rally to second ranking in global market cap. And here we have something similar to it today with the steem blockchain and there is no sustained and clearly articulated marketing push to explain it from Steemit Inc.
But hey, Money Talks right - let's just plaster that on the home page. Ugh.
Well said, and it's sad to see so many leaving on account of the abuse. Perfect quote you cited, also!
Thanks! I'd like to see the blockchain succeed. I see Utopian, Dtube, and other apps being built on it and am relieved that at least some innovation is occurring. But it is a shame that Steemit has been disregarded in all of that. I'll stick around for the commentary. The original posts, not so much. Not until things are turned around for the better around here.
@lexiconical on point, as always. Love you lex! Love this comment, and I LOVE this whole post but I HATE they both need to exist...
Check the fuck out, I consider it every day. And I can't tear my eyes off it anyway.
"Check the fuck out, I consider it every day."
I don't think anyone could blame you.
And you know most of the reasons why, so I truly appreciate the sentiment.
Thanks lexi!
The guy is a greedy troll. He just up voted himself here again and one of his up votes are worth more than $100, of course he's going to continue trolling, he's gaming the system. Once everyone catches up and turn into a whale I'd hate to be him. He's very disliked by many.
Wow what a fucking jackoff! I saw an older Post he was talking about policing Steemit and he's one of the biggest abusers yet. It's hard for me to fathom stuff like this when I see it here, what a loser.. it makes me wonder what kinda pathetic life these skidmarks have in the real world? Keep doing you man, I'm glad to see you're gonna get back your losses with this post because you're one of the best swimmers I've met on this site. I'ma resteem this aswell 😎
Thanks for support GA, it means a lot to me! — gimpycat will get what he deserves...we all will.
Whoa whoa whoa! What the fuck homie. All you have done on steemit is spread the love around. Dunno who these Social Justice Steemit Warriors are but keep your head up and keep calling it like you see it.
Karma will take care of the rest.
You might appreciate this (past-payout) post of mine:
great article! Missed it the first time so I'm very glad you shared the link here. I always feel a little guilt at up-voting my own posts, but without a huge following or love from whales/dolphins/etc, I'd earn nothing. Us little guys can pour a ton of effort into a post and unless you do something to promote it - we see nothing. I understand that all social media is about consistency, but until this platform can replace my income, it will remain a side-hobby. I wish that weren't true, but that's the way it is. What this all means to me is that presently I post assuming almost no one of consequence will upvote me. That means that as in life, the only one who is ever going to truly help you is yourself... so I keep slowly stacking up Steem so that my own up-vote can mean something. I've tried loyalty to certain communities, but that is hit or miss. In the end, I've concluded it is best to invest in yourself, up-vote good content and expect nothing from anyone. You are only disappointed if your expectations are too high. Hopefully, the watchers begin to understand that unmet expectations result in reduced engagement.
Now, as for the matter at hand - When was it ever okay to punish the users of a service instead of the offending service itself? Are you truly trying to change behavior by punishing good Steemians? There must a better way. Ask yourself if you would take these actions with a small wallet. If the answer is no, then you are a cowardly bully. F this platform man - that would make you a $hitty human all around. I am no one here, but right is right and wrong is wrong. I respect people who try to fix what is wrong, but I cannot figure out how this is the right approach. Think a little further downstream!
Thanks nofiat! Stay gold man
Indeed I did.
It just saps my creative energy knowing this bullshit drama is hanging over every post I make or read. Life goes on but, fuck, people can be dicks!
Thanks brother
agreed... fuck'em and do you
thats BS man - i went and upvoted the other post as well
Thanks kiwi!
You’re a strong arm at the right time 👊😎
Nicely done
I did too. First full week on steemit and already drama!
Hi mimaroo! Thx for stopping by... it’s usually fun n games n precious metals ‘round here. You picked an exciting week!
and, Cheers! from @thedamus
Damn bro. Sorry about that shit. I knew it was only a matter is time before that ass hole hit someone I knew. Fuck him and you will still get my vote 💯even if it cant counter his. #stopsteemitbullies
Thx shippie! I really appreciate the support!
@grumpycat has bid with the following voting bots in the last 11 days:
The above 3 are declared by @grumpycat as 6th day voting bots that abuse the system. Yet, @grumpycat hypocritically uses them. Hmmmmmm...
Also, what’s going on with@uradick? He has posted once but claimed mega rewards! How the fuck does one claim rewards when there is zero activity on account?
Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark!
If you wait a half hour or so after someone posts something, then vote on it, you will get 25% of their vote as curation rewards. That means it's possible to make money just upvoting other people's stuff. When I say you, I mean all upvoters. If there's a lot of upvoters, you have to share the curation rewards with all of them. Posts with high rewards and few upvotes will yield the highest curation rewards.
I think this may be one reason why everyone has their panties in a twist over 6th day voting bots. If you upvote just in time for payout without giving others time to curate, you get all the curation rewards.
I don't think that people get you can still deny others curation rewards on a post you just created. For example, if you time your voting such that the vote happens immediately after you post, you also get all the rewards. I think the window is about 3 minutes.
I'm not saying anyone should do this. I have been experimenting with voting bots, but I haven't tried this yet to see if it works. I probably will try it at some point just to find out. That way I can speak on it definitively.
If my theory is correct, the 3.5 day max age rule isn't enough.
This is absolutely incorrect information.
LOL. You can't just drop a bomb like that and not say why.
This is what I based my points off of
It also makes those self-voters extra bad guys because they vote themselves immediately after posting which denies curation with anyone that upvotes with them.
So basically there are a few really smart and really selfish cocksuckers out there with massive SP and they’re all circle-jerking themselves for maximum ROI — everyone else be damned.
The moon and the truth cannot hide for long.
Thx for clarification.
makes sense. threaten downvotes to those that use the service. less use allowing him to get profitable votes from the services.
Fuckin’ Ass-hats
You can’t make this stuff up!
Do stop in and

show your family some love :)
Home Away from Home Sweet #thealliance
That is pure BS. I hate spambots. Fuck em man,
Cheers UK — i’m mostly surprised!
Ancient Chinese Curse:
May you live in interesting times...
Contemporary @thedamus curse:
@grumpycat will feast on his own litter
I had a problem with these bots a few months back made it public. There was more swearing my post, lol.
They are pure spam bots Set up to make money by screwing members over. I think the community does a good job of filtering out the crap and no need for these bots.
Where’d my $200 go?
😳😁🤣 — the funny thing is how shortsighted some of these ass-hats are...
Rock on bro!