SteemSports: UEFA Champions League Soccer - Monako v CSKA Moskva - Mass SP Distribution Game! - Лига чемпионов УЕФА - Монако vs ЦСКА (Москва)

in #steemsports-soccer8 years ago (edited)

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Спортивная инициатива сообщества SteemSports, своим голосом вы помогаете в распределении SP и меняете ситуацию к лучшему!

SteemSports Editor: Nolan Jacobson - @theprophet0. [Witness]

Please welcome Yuriy Kosyanchuk as simulcast (multi-language) SteemSports presenter, Yuriy will be presenting in English and translating to Russian.

SteemSports Presenter: Yuriy Kosyanchuk - @stranger27

Times and Location

Monako vs CSKA (Moscow) / Монако vs ЦСКА (Москва)

Tuesday, 2nd November / Вторник, 2-е ноября

7:45 PM UTC

Monaco, Louis II Stadium / Монако, Стадион ‘Луи II’


Match Preview / Анонc матча

The fourth round of the UEFA Champions League will take place on November 2nd, at 7:45 UTC in Monaco's Stadium, Louis II between Monaco and Moscow's, CSKA. In their previous meeting, the two teams were in Moscow's stadium and the outcome of the game ended in a draw! Now, since Monaco is playing at home, will try to prove their superiority; each of these teams are on the same level (talent wise) and this meeting promises to be a close one!

2 ноября в 19:45 UTC на стадионе "Луи II" (Монако) в рамках 4 раунда Лиги Чемпионов будет сыграна ответная игра между местным "Монако" и московским "ЦСКА". Предыдущая встреч этих двух команд в Москве была очень динамичной и закончилась ничейным исходом. Теперь же, играя у себя дома, "Красно-белые" постараются доказать свое преимущество. Так как уровни команд примерно одинаковые, предстоящая встреча обещает быть напряженной.

Monako / ‘Монако’

Through the first three rounds, Monako sits in first place in Group E with a total of five points! In the previous rounds, Monako has pleasantly surprised their fans with a victory aginst Tottenham (2-1) after that, they tied twice with an identical result (1-1).

По итогу трех туров "Монако" набрал 5 очков и на данный момент является лидером группы Е. В предыдущих турах "Красно-белые" приятно удивили болельщиков победой в гостевой игре с "Тоттенхэмом" (2-1), затем дважды сыграли вничью с одинаковым результатом (1-1). При этом и с "Байером" и с "ЦСКА" ответные голы были забиты практически под занавес встреч.

This year, Monako has shown spectacular results on the field as they have, 6 wins, 2 draws, and 0 loses! Furthermore, when they played as the home team, they beat Fenerbahce, PSG, Villarreal and Rennes.

В этом сезоне на своем поле "Монако" показывает неплохие результаты - 6 побед, 0 поражений и 2 ничьи. На своем стадионе французы обыграли "Фенербахче", "ПСЖ", "Вильярреал" и "Ренн".

CSKA Moskva / Москва Цска

Thus far, in the Champions League, the Army Men have only earned two points and in result, the team sits in the last place in their Group... It almost seems impossible for CSKA to get a victory as they have lost their four out of their last five.

В Лиге Чемпионов "армейцам" удалось заработать лишь 2 очка и теперь команда занимает последнюю строчку таблицы. ЦСКА никак не может справиться с кризисом - из последних 5 выездных матчей Лиги Чемпионов команда 4 раза терпела поражение.

When CSKA played against Leverkusen, the command managed to get a draw as they scored two goals from Yeremenko and Dzagoev; unfortunately each of these guys will miss this game because of injuries... Given they are not doing very well, in this game, they will do anything possible to get points, but this may difficult because so many players on their team are not in the best shape, including their goalkeeper Akinfeev...

Лишь в Леверкузене команде удалось сыграть вничью благодаря голам Еременко и Дзагоева, которые в этот раз пропустят игру из-за травм. Учитывая плохое турнирное положение "Москвичи" в этот раз будут очень стараться заработать очки, но сделать это будет сложно, так как многие игроки команды, включая вратаря Акинфеева сейчас не в лучшей форме.

H2H Statistics / Статистика игр

18.10.2016The League of ChampionsCSKA Moscov - Monako1-1

Last 5 Games / Форма комманды

Betting Information


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How to Play

  • Vote on the main post to enter the bet (main post rewards will also be added to the Stake Pool).

  • Cast your Vote Bet on ONLY ONE outcome for which you bet on for the win (Multiple comment votes will be automatically disqualified by the script, unvote and revote counts as multiple votes and will be disqualified).

  • After 24 hours, the post and related game comments payout to the pool; remember 25% voters rewards are deducted from the total post payout value first as per Steem curation rules. Voters are rewarded in standard fashion in proportion to their Steem Power holdings.

The Stake Pool:

  • The remaining 75% of the total payout is paid out in 50% Steem Power and 50% in liquid currencies, the latter now varies in payout ratio after the new fork. To make the process less complicated, we have decided to use all paid out SBD to buy Steem in the internal market to create a grand total Steem Stake Pool.

  • 30% of the Stake Pool will be retained, of which 15% will go to the writer/sports presenter of the post, and the 15% balance towards editing, development and advertising.

  • 70% of the Stake Pool will be held until the event/game outcome is determined.

  • Once the winning outcome is determined, we will execute a proprietary developed script that will divide and pay out the Steem rewards equally, using the Power Up method, to Mass Distribute SP to all participants that voted on the main post as the entrance fee as well as voted on the correct comment representing the winning outcome.

  • Only participants with a Reputation of 35 or more will qualify to earn SP rewards, but non-qualifiers can still vote and comment in support of the redistribution initiative.

  • Entry cut-off time is the earlier of the post payout or the start of the event.

Disclaimer and Image/Source Credits:

  • Image Credits: Image Logos from Wikipedia - Rest of info come's from team websites.

  • Images used in this post are either paid for and modified, Creative Commons (CC) or image credits supplied.

  • Note the views and predictions of the presenters are their own personal views and do not reflect the views and opinions of @steemsports. @steemsports does not offer betting advice.

  • Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE). SteemSports is currently beta, currently no liability will be assumed for errors.

  • @steemsports reserves the right to amend future payout percentages based on the operation needs of the account.

  • @steemsports is not a traditional betting platform and no fiat currency is used as rewards or in casting bets; as such does not fall under any gaming and gambling jurisdictions; but even so, users are urged to first consult with the laws and age restrictions of their countries.

  • @steemsports in the unlikely event that when the Stake Pool is divided up between the winners and the nomenclature resolution goes below the third decimal place (example: 0.0001), then Steem decimal restrictions won’t allow a payout and the pool will carry over to the next game.

  • Please vote responsibly :).

Copyright © Ricardo Goncalves 2016

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