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RE: Are Gender Stereotypes Accurate?

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)

Ah and I wanted to ask you about that Bill Maher clip I linked to in the conclusion section. What are your thoughts on that? You are uniquely positioned to answer because you're older than my generation, but at the same time you're very modern (you are blogging on a blockchain, after all!) And it's also funny to watch!


I am're right. I think you're younger than my children :) But, happily, I'm not stereotyped by my age (ha ha). Neither my imagination nor my desire to learn has waned with the passing years.
Used to watch Bill Maher all the time. Recently I think he's become a bit mainstream for me, if you can believe that. Almost predictable.
But that was an interesting clip...especially the part about the 'snowflake generation'. I've seen several generations come and go, so to me it's just transient style. One advantage of age :)