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RE: Let’s See What Biochemistry Has to Say About The Origin and Evolution of Life.

in #steemstem7 years ago

The Miller-Urey experiment was the subject of my final highschool project, I believe it's the best explanation for the origin of life. And I fully agree with you on your comment about religion; all scientific theories may have a few holes in them, and there may be many unanswered questions about our origins, but the fact that we do not yet know the answers does not mean that we should automatically believe "a magical man in the sky did it."

Two thousand years ago we were sure that the sun was a flaming chariot driven by a god, one thousand years ago we were sure that the Earth was flat and at the center of the galaxy. We always find answers to every question, eventually, and leave behind those crazy theories that we had. I hope that someday that will also happen with religions.


wow that was a nice comment man and yes, with time we will find answers to all these questions. i am excited to know how life in fact originated tbh