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RE: Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Why You Need Them In Your Homes & How They Work (Part 2)

in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello man

You just had to drag me here I was patiently waiting for the part 2 of it and here it is

From my last comment

I wasn't surprised reading @osariemen's views on carbon monoxide detectors following his comment on the Part 1 of this article as captured below:

thanks for bringing this, everyone home in this country need it but DETECTING IS NOT THE MAIN ISSUE. I believe the issue is solving the problem after detecting. [Source: excerpt from Part I]

I know how dangerous it can be, I was just saying instead of putting much work on the problem we should device a solution. If you know what I mean

I know what carbon monoxide can do and I was almost a victim due to ignorance but thank God I am still alive

Do you know Carbon monoxide is harmful when taken in such a way that it displaces oxygen in the blood as well as deprives the heart, brain, and other vital organs of oxygen. Large amounts of CO can overcome you in minutes without warning making a living being lose consciousness and suffocate.

Again, thanks man for making me know more about this. I hope there is part 3


You are quite loaded with info regarding CO from what you said here. Thanks for the clarification and convincing us about your rich knowledge of the subject matter.

Meanwhile i am happy that you are alive to tell your story about near death encounter with CO.

