SteemSTEM Distilled #35

in #steemstem7 years ago

Welcome to the 35th issue of SteemSTEM Distilled, a bi-weekly curation effort by the members of the @steemstem team.

SteemSTEM is a community driven project which seeks to promote well-written and informative Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics posts on Steemit. The project involves curating STEM-related posts through upvoting, resteeming, offering constructive feedback, supporting scientific contests, and other related activities.

For more details, a recent update on the steemSTEM can be found here, and a not so recent one there. Moreover, if you ask yourself about what it means to be part of steemSTEM, please check here.

Our team scours the platform for original and quality content.

After working through thousands (literally!) of STEM-related posts and upvoting more than 150 that we deemed to be worthy, we proudly present you our top 6 handpicked choices for this Monday-Wednesday period.


Fusion of Twins and The Effects of Blood Transfusion

A wild scenario that might actually happen in real-life is a person carrying two different sets of DNA. No, this is not another sci-fi story, chimera is a real medical condition and if you want to know more about it read what
@churchboy has written.

Modeling the patterns on fish skin mathematically!

Numbers rule our world. Patterns are everywhere around us, from the seed arrangement in flowers in our gardens to the skin of fish in the ocean. @dexterdev uses the language of numbers to make models on the patterns on fish skin. Read on to learn more.


Farming on MARS: Challenges and the existing technological options - Colonization of MARS Series

A post that carefully goes through all the aspects of growing plants on the Red Planet is here by @alexdory. Read it if you want to learn what it takes to be a farmer on Mars. Any further questions or recommendations? @alexdory is here to listen.

Low Temperature Phenomena - Superfluids and The Meissner Effect.

@physics.benjamin gives us a post on superfluids. What happens when the temperature drops? And what is the Meissner effect? Read his work to find out.


Gentleman Medical Series #1; Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

The first part of a new medical series by @gameoverr discusses a hot topic, antibiotics. What are antibiotics? How do they work and how have bacteria managed to built resistance to them? The answers are in @gameoverr's post.

Ancient Knowledge: How did the Romans do math?

1 + 1 = 2, but has it always been like that? In Ancient Rome people didn't use the numeric symbols we do today. If you like brain teasers however, read @josalarcon2's post and try to figure out how the Romans did maths...

A few words about the nomination process

For the sake of transparency we feel we need to clarify how our nomination process works; each issue is compiled by certain members of the SteemSTEM community. This mid-week's editorial team was comprised of @ruth-girl.

The editorial team chooses their favorite posts for the week and each issue is the result of their joined effort. In order to keep the process fair, posts written by the editorial team are excluded from the nomination process.

Don't be discouraged if you didn't make it on this issue. The competition is harsh and there is always a next time :)

Top steemSTEM authors

During the last two weeks, steemstem supported with more than a (possibly split) 60% vote the following authors:

@adetola, @alexander.alexis, @alexs1320, @amavi, @chloroform, @de-stem, @duke77, @dysfunctional, @egotheist, @exercisinghealth, @greenrun, @henrychidiebere, @lemouth, @lordneroo, @mobbs, @mountainwashere, @ruth-girl, @samminator, @steemstem, @terrylovejoy, @trumpman, @valth

We are expecting them to strongly engage the community in return :)

All curation rewards earned will be used to fund @steemstem project functioning and activities.

See you all next Monday!


A few days ago I heard the issue about Steemstem would stop working for a while, but what I saw was not true. Thank you for telling us about this project, hopefully to work as much as possible, and congratulations also on the people who were elected in the last week, they are amazing!

We didn't stop, we just took a break for a few days. But we are back in action now ;)

yeah, I'm glad to hear it, Steemstem came back from the break, hopefully it runs smoothly

This will depend on the community! And for this, the future will tell :)

it all depends on the decision of all parties in this Steemstem, and the good future depends on one purpose :)

Thanks to @ruth-girl for her selection. A one-woman team is the best ^^

I would like to bring to the attention of everyone that we will start reducing our support to authors not engaging the community very soon. It is never too late to start engaging (upvoting others, commenting others, answering replies, participating on our discord server, etc.) and help us to build this project!

[upvoted for visibility]

Mille mercis, monsieur @lemouth!!
It is always hard to pick posts for the Distilled.
People just keep making such great work!!
It would be a shame not to support them, don't you agree steemstemers?! We need all of you to bring life to the community! ;)

I really agree with you. It would be a shame not to support authors but a bigger shame is authors not supporting authors.

Well done and thank you @ruth-girl.

Things seem to be on the good way to be self-fixed :)

Yes, I am glad to see that.

Yes it is hard. I am also trying to resteem some of them with the steemstem account for a few days. I don't know if you notice, but the intersection between your choices and mine is large :D

Chiming in to say not only does engaging each other help the community, and the support you get from #steemstem, but you might even learn something.

I also have this experience. Nothing is better when I write a post and get comments that teach me even more stuff about the thing I just wrote about. It's especially nice when I write about things that I only have a theoretical knowledge about, and someone shows up with firsthand experience of it!

it really pains when i try to connect with some people and they do not reply has never stopped me from engaging in my daily comments.

I am never expecting an answer when I am commenting. That's one way to avoid deception. I however always try to answer people taking te time to comment my post (even with a flag for obvious spamming :p)

The reply makes it more fun and more interesting.. I reply my comments too.. But those with links.. I flag instantly even though my sp is little.

It is enough to hide them :)

I can totally see why you would try to not have any expectations when writing a comment here on Steemit. I believe that something like 1 out of 5 people actually answers, so it can often feel pretty hopeless to spend your time on this.

20% is not a bad number :)

Maybe not, but that depends on how you look at it. I still think that not getting answer to 80 % of comments is a little too high, but that does of course depend on the nature of the comment. Still, replying and engagement on Steemit is not really as high as I would have liked it to be.

It is a huge number, but I see it the opposite way: 20% is twice better than 10%. Hopefully, we should get to 80% answers for 20% ignores, but we are far from there... Maybe on a year or so, if your steemstem strategy towards engagement works?

That is probably a much better way to look at it ;)

I wish more people started giving small upvotes to people who comment, and those they interact with. I get that some people are against paying for interaction, but I truly believe that some comments can add a lot of value to the main posts, especially if they bring additional information, their own experience etc., and it's really unfair that the post author get so much money while those who contribute in the comment section get close to zero. But we'll see how the future of this will play out :)

It is very important that authors engage and interact with each other as it will foster the progress of the community.. I agree with you

You are really right about this issue. Steemit is all about community engagement but most of us tend to use it for our only benefits.

This is kind of normal when money plays a role. We are trying to kind of fix this at our level :)

Finally, I saw my article in #steemSTEM distilled. <3 This is motivating really.

Buy the community some beers to celebrate!

Please suggest me some way for that. :) I will surely do a treat.

The first blockchain which implements Proof of Booze will be the first one in which I am a millionaire.

I am yet to read Proof of Brain or Stake etc.. So I am not really a crypto guy :(

Ah, but at least you got the joke.

Of course. :)

Congrats on getting featured! It was well-deserved :)

Thank you. Finally, I am finding a community where you have worth for your content and efforts.

Yeah, the SteemSTEM community is a great place to be with many cool people! And it is absolutely also a place where it is profitable to make great content with proper sources :)

I know, it feels very good the first few times. It has a lot to do with the fact that you are given a voice and then rewarded for using it for good. Chemically speaking, after the cell receptors are subjected to a lot of the same chemical substances they will numb down and you will feel less thrill. So enjoy it while you can :D

But only if it happens often enough. If those evil curators (I kid!) wanted to keep us hooked, they just have to be sure to only include us at the right rate.

@alexdory : I got the point :) I have kept lot secrets for me for my future. I am yet to explore many things (#steemSTEM is one , other things better not to tell here.) :P

The competition is hard! But finally everybody's good work will make it here ;)

Nice to hear that. Thank you for the #steemSTEM curators who tirelessly go through all works. Respects and love.

Congratulations then! :D

Nice selection by @ruth-girl.
I'm also honoured to receive votes from steemstem. And like I've always said; one of the debts we owe this great community is engagement. Not any kind of engagement, but passion-driven engagements.
Steemstem rock!!

Thanks for your continuous kind messages :)

It has always been my honour to be part of this great community

Great work by not just to all the authors, but the curators who had the monumental task of reading through 1000's of posts this week.

Secret curator superpower: we have the ability to stretch time and get the job done

Thank you @terrylovejoy!!

I am happy you didn't tell him about our clones. This is our best secret.

Pffff! This WAS our best secret... now everybody will know!

No one reads comments. We are still fine ^^

Let's hope so! :P

well done all selected authors..keep bringing up those interesting topics. i hope to read as many as i can.
@ruthgirl all i can say is you have good eyes for post selections.

Oh! My eyes thank you so much @adetola!

See you around!! :)

sorry dear... i hope your eyes are much better now
sure you will see me around. see you too.

Please try to read these 6! They are really worthy! :D

I read some already i will take a look at the rest right away.

Well done authors!!
I hope I didn't break anyone's heart in this issue, but there are many many more to come!! So if you're not here, you may be in the next one ;)

Don't forget to upvote to encourage people's hard work and comment to give them feedback! We need your words, otherwise we become stagnant! :)

Yep, we can't feature 300 posts in a single distilled ;)

My heart was broken but at the same time it means I should put in more effort

Nice work you have done #winks

Oh well!That's what we call motivation :P


Woop Woop made the list, first time I think. I'm well happy about that actually. Good job to everyone else. Let's make @steemstem great!

I must say thank you to @ruth-girl for selecting my post, that's very cool and i'm glad you found it worthy.

Also a huge thank you to the community of steemstem for your continued support for me and everyone else on here. Much love!

Congratulations friend 🤗.
Finally seen you around

Great work the steemstem team is doing !
My favorite post there is @churchboy’s post about the fusion of twins and the effects of blood transfusion.
I really hoped it would be featured here so many other people would have a good read and ta-da! @ruth-girl made it happen hahahaha.

His cats are indeed.... brrrrr :D

Congratulations and thanks for your work for this community. It is really appreciated!

Thank you @lemouth, you are welcome :)

Yay!! You're in! Just keep up the good work!

I sure will, thanks a lot @ruth-girl :)

Guys, how can I apply?

Great picks once again, @steemstem, and good job to @ruth-girl for making the selections. I especially enjoyed the post about chimera genetics by @churchboy. I had not really given much thought to how transfusions could (potentially) alter the genetics of the recipient before!

Best regards from @valth

Thank you @valth! @churchboy's was a fascinating topic indeed!