in #steemstem7 years ago

Hello Steemians, a very Happy New Year to you all. I wish you all have a good time here in Steemit this year. Today, as my first post of this year, I bring to you my new post about the TRITON: THE MYSTERIOUS THEORY OF NEPTUNE'S MOON. Please go through it and discover the other faces of NEPTUNE'S MOON.

It is a massive mysterious discovery which may take part in in revealing the exact theories and mysteries related to the MOON to the entire humankind. Lets see what all TRITON: THE MYSTERIOUS THEORY OF NEPTUNE'S MOON is all about !!


1989 after 12 years early NASA's Voyager 2 Mission reaches the outer Solar System and the gas giant Neptune. First seeing the images of Neptune was really exciting because they went there with no idea!! What they're going to find? It's a triumph for Voyager 2. But when NASA examines Triton’s the largest of Neptune's 13 Moons, they spot something disturbing the Moon is going the wrong way around the planet.


When you look at the Earth’s Moon System the Moon's going around the Earth. Just like this kind of close to the Equator of the Earth. They look at Triton’s and what they saw is the Moon's going around in the other direction. It's the only large Moon of any of the planets that does this!! Triton’s behavior seems completely unnatural. It contradicts everything they think!! They know about our Planets and Moons form. Most Moons get created as the Planet itself gets created. So, they have a swirling ball of gas and materials that are collapsing down into the central Planet and then some Debris leftover collapses down into the satellite.


So, you expect all the objects to go in the same direction around the planet. That's very understandable. What's not understandable how do you get a Moon especially a large one to go in the opposite direction? The resemblance to the planet destroying Artificial Moons of the Star Wars Movies is striking. As they're approaching the Death Star Obi-Wan peers through the windshield and says that's no Moon. If you want to park in the Solar System keep an eye on Earth and all the interesting things going on there. Neptune is the perfect place to park your Artificial Planet. Triton’s surface seems to support the theory it appears to have areas that are smooth as Metal reflecting 70% of the Sun's rays.


Triton’s are very confusing world it's a orbit and it's the type of plan. Even for the most Skeptical Scientist all the evidence suggests that Triton’s is no ordinary Moon. Extremely unlikely that Triton’s formed orbiting around Neptune. It doesn't make any sense for it to form locally. There is one obvious problem with the Death Star Theory if I'm flying an Artificial Planet through Space I decide that I want to park it on Neptune; I'm going to be sure to go the right way around the Planet. If I'm trying to hide Triton’s is not a Death Star it's not me and my materials. They'd expected to be made out of if somebody was building a thing it's made of Natural Materials that they expect you. But if Triton’s is not Artificial why is it surface smooth and Triton’s we saw eruptions of material into its then atmosphere water eruptions can three reasons and make a smooth surface at least filling in the impact Craters.


People call Cryovolcanism, an ice based cooled volcanic process that still leaves the mystery of Triton’s weird Orbit. But astronomer Dr. Craig Agnor has a theory because Triton’s is going in the opposite Orbital direction of all of its neighbors. The general idea for its origin is that it made a close approach to Neptune and it somehow became abound companion. Triton’s came from somewhere else flying through Space until it hit something near Neptune and was captured by the planet’s gravity. But even this extraordinary idea only partially solves the mystery if the object that Triton’s collided with was large enough to slow it down and enable its capture it was also likely large enough to destroy it to date. No one has explained; how or why Triton’s survived? It's Hypothetical Collision.

Content Sources :



WIKIPEDIA : Planetary Science


NASA's Voyager 2 Mission

Death Star Theory

I hope you enjoyed learning about TRITON: THE MYSTERIOUS THEORY OF NEPTUNE'S MOON. If you love dreaming and learning science then please follow me, @white-steem

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I want to specially thank @adi-mac for sharing some of his valuable research works provided throughout this article!!

Thank you for reading my content !!


Wonderfully highlighted all the information!! Nice work keep it up. :)

Thanks!! Tried to highlight all the original sources as you suggested.. :)

Actually it's not mine idea, I myself is new here. But I read the #SteemSTEM guidelines. You should thank the @SteemSTEM members for making us know the criteria!! :)

Hi. This post is so informative for science teachers like me. Upvoted and followed already! Keep posting

Nice job!! :)