Coffee and Philosophy: Joy

Today's mug is brought to us by a giant arcade, because arcades are fun!

Today I was reflecting on joy and what it's really about. I feel that joy is more of a decision and mindset than a feeling. I find that I can experience joy through many things that would seem trivial with the wrong attitude. I can find joy in driving, talking to someone, or helping a friend. I have felt joy through writing and helping others. Joy seems to be the ability to be happy doing anything and I find it reflects a lot of our own happiness into the world around us. If we can manage to be happy and stay positive through the difficult situations, then the things we want to experience and enjoy seem even more fulfilling. I don't feel like everything that happens in life is something we necessarily want, but if we can find joy in the ability to learn from these perceived "negative" experiences, then we can find joy in anything. What do you think? Namaste.


It's all about attitude and how to look at things. I see pictures of kids from poor countries, they don't have anything yet they're still smiling. Then there are people who have everything but they feel no joy. Be thankful for what we have because there's somebody out there that has it worse.

Maybe all of those things people own really just own them. :)

I tend to believe all our feelings and emotions, reactions to stimuli, are based solely on our choices of perception, whether it is based on environmental learning or socio-sympathetic cohesion. There is a splendid place between all joy and sorrows I call the sublime, though that word has been given different connotations by scholars over the years. By unlocking the sublime you can view things more subjectively, understanding fully why something is causing you joy or sorrow without becoming buried in the emotion. This is a nice piece you have written, I enjoyed reading it, thank you.

I too feel the "sublime" much more than I used too, but the absence of sorrow is a good feeling in and of itself for me personally.

My philosophy is a crisis is simply a change in the environment that demands a new, unscheduled response. Your mistakes are not more powerful than ypur purpose. Staying positive is Key!!!!

Blessings to you!

Thank you Kindly!!

It was a joy reading your post. Looking forward to more positive up lifting reading.

Per aspera ad astra. History was built on hardships, our lives too. We are born crying, later on learning why should we cry, and after that phase, if an individual find's his true path in life, crying transforms into a tears of joy both in literal and symbolic sense. For us it is how we want to see things, not what they really are, because outside our minds they have no meaning. Thanks for sharing. @philosophytrail

It's all about the mindset my friend.