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RE: Indispensable SteemWorld: Appeal for Support of @steemchiller and SPS Proposal #33

in #steemworld5 years ago

I understand that downvotes are still seen by many people as something that should require a very good reason to be used. However, it really isn't meant to be more than the opposite of an upvote, and a natural part of content discovery where the community expresses its opinion of how content should be rated and rewarded.

For me, I really don't want the Trending page to be occupied by a lot of SPS proposals that people use bidbots to promote. Or at least, it should come at a cost to the person promoting something so that it isn't something people just get to do for free. That would bring the Trending page back to where it was before with only content that was heavily bidbotted stacked on Trending. If it is true that @steemchiller didn't pay for those votes himself, then I suppose nothing was lost, and the downvotes was just a fair expression from people who did not agree that the post should be on Trending? At least that is how I see it. I have downvoted posts like that since the last hardfork by people who I otherwise like, for the sole reason that I want Trending to reflect what the userbase liked, and not what people are promoting.

As for your comment that it was steemium that bought the votes: I'm not sure if you know, but steemium is a vote-buying service that just makes it easier to buy your way to Trending. So I'm pretty sure that it was steemchiller who bought them. In any case, that is less important to whether or not it was something to downvote.

It had less to do with Steemworld, which I'll admit I've never even used in 2 and a half years on Steem. If there are a significant number of people who do say that they find a lot of benefits in steemworld, and that it is vital to how they use and benefit from Steem, then I may consider supporting his proposal despite having downvoted the post. But still, I don't think paying someone to do this full time is the best priority for what the SPS can fund at the moment. Although perhaps a more modest support would be appropriate.

In any case, I am very open to hearing from Steemians what they like about the tool to help me better understand if I've been wrong.


Okay @fredrikaa

”I really don't want the Trending page to be occupied by a lot of SPS proposals that people use bidbots to promote.“

”If it is true that @steemchiller didn't pay for those votes himself, then I suppose nothing was lost …“

”So I'm pretty sure that it was steemchiller who bought them.“

… you seem to be uhhh … “stuck” on the fact bidbots were used to promote a post which ended up on Trending. Even going as far as suggesting SteemChiller is lying … Yes, I understand you attempted to downplay who bought them, as secondary to your primary point. On that we simply do not agree.

First and foremost, SteemChiller is not lying. If you can prove otherwise, make your case! Having never been to Norway, I can’t speak to what passes for injustice there. But I can assure you making a baseless charge against someone is a serious problem where I come from and, therefore, to be avoided, as it is simply unjust.

Second, have you given any consideration to the intent of whoever did choose to employ the service of a bidbot to support SteemChiller’s post? From the content of your response here, we can agree at least on perhaps this not being the uhhh … “optimum” way of expressing support. I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt, however, that it was well intended, as SteemChiller’s app is invaluable to many and they want to do all in their power to support it.

Third, your definition of downvoting’s purpose does not “line up” with what I have read elsewhere. And you conveniently neglect there being a third option for all of us – 1) upvoting, 2) downvoting, and 3) not voting at all! In downvoting, you have chosen to reduce the value of the support your fellow Steemians have freely elected to give to another. Your definition is far too casual about what it represents.

”… which I'll admit I've never even used in 2 and a half years on Steem.“

I’ll close with showing my appreciation for your honesty. And respect for the courtesy you have shown in replying at all, to what I have invested my time in researching. It is well written. You may wish to reconsider, however, the position you have taken and I will again respectfully encourage you to do just that.

P.S. Also, if you chose to reply again, I would be keenly interested to know why you elected to do so on my post here in the first place, when the topic at hand is on SteemChiller’s post. If you truly want input on your thought process, I would suggest you reply over there, as it will be much more likely to generate input from others …

You feel strongly about your position? Then get it "out in the light" and let's see what happens!

Thanks for your help @roleerob! If I had any money sitting around, I would send you some for sure. I love to see how you always go straight, insightful and empathetic into solving peoples problems. He responded in my post and removed his downvote, so for me it's done now.

The fact that there have been assumptions being made about me lying is kind of sad. Those who know me, know that I'm always honest and that even if I didn't earn that much over the years here. I will stay true to myself and I'm sure that someone will see it and reward me for that one day.

All the best to you ;)

As always @steemchiller, you are very kind. I definitely wanted to do my small part to help you, as I do not personally know anyone on our Steem blockchain more deserving of some full-time support external to SteemIt. Having said that, I honestly do not know if that is possible / sustainable. Especially at the current market price for STEEM ...

What I am sure of is the closer you get to "the top of the food chain" the fiercer the competition will almost certainly be for the available SP. Whether it is for this proposal. Or to get your support for your Witness server into the Top 20 (as I understand it, income drops off dramatically below that threshold ...).

I'm sure you're already way ahead of me in figuring those things out. You can always count on my full support along the way! All the best to you and yours for a better tomorrow!

P.S. Just my sense of humor late in the day (here) perhaps, but next we may both be facing "conspiracy" charges, with you being accused of "self voting" by proxy or some such silliness, as you are 100% beneficiary of this post ... Hahaha! 😉

Upvoting this instead as your post is too high up the trending

Yes, the main reason I did downvote was the stacking of bidbots. Like several others in the Steem community, I believe that bidbots have been very negative to Steem over the past 2 years, and see discouraging its use through downvotes as overall positive, even on users who I otherwise agree with.

I never implied, or at least did not intend to suggest, that @steemchiller was "lying" here. If he did state somewhere that he never bought those votes, then I missed that part. I only found it worth clarifying that steemium is a promotion service through which people can purchase multiple votes at the same time.

But in any case, this is a bit of a distraction from the point. Downvoting is simply a way for the community to express itself, and is intended to be used to direct rewards in the fairest way possible. It is worth noting, that a downvote does not take anything away from someone. Pending rewards are not earned rewards. Instead, final rewards are the result of 7 days of joint community judgement on what is the right allocation. So I simply want to respectfully disagree with your view on what downvotes are. And part of my motivation for replying your post was to offer a different point of view on this point.

In any case, I have since removed my downvote from his post (before your reply) on the basis of the high engagement and productive conversations I've seen coming from his post. While I still think the proposal needs a bit of tinkering, as others have suggested in "breaking it down to short term objectives", and while I still think it is right for there to be some downvotes on posts that are stacked with bidbot votes even if the person buying the votes is someone else, I see that many others clearly appreciate his effort way more than I do. For that I am both grateful for his contributions as well as for having discovered other positive and engaging Steemians like yourself in the process.

And I replied here because you tagged me :)
