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RE: SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #28

in #steemworld6 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much for your support! I would be completely happy, if the people who use my site daily would just give me a full vote for my one weekly post. It's just 1 of 70 full votes that we have in a week, but it seems to be too much for many here. My presentations may not always be perfect, but I already invest 100% of my time in developing all this stuff. A few weeks more and I have built an own Steemit in a one-man mission.

There are also some people using my tools who never gave me any vote, because in their opinion I'm a beggar (they told me). I'm on the brink to lay all this down, because I can hardly pay my monthly bills for quite some time already and working for a dollar per hour on Steem is not really what I wanted to live for.

My time runs out and my whole story of life is even way crazier than people can imagine, but I will do my best to keep SteemWorld running as long as I can.

Greetings from the 'Haubenland' ;)


Damn. Sad to hear that brother. 2 times 100% and a clear resteem.
Haha. Cool it seems that some whales followed my latest article. I wrote a little support post for you.

Ich finde es beschämend, dass du für einen Dollar die Stunde arbeitest/arbeiten musst. Das ist eigentlich unter deiner Würde. Und dann musst du dir auch noch solche Frechheiten anhören? Undank ist der Welten Lohn...
Das Problem für dich ist vor allem der niedrige STEEM Preis, bei gleichbleibenden bzw. steigenden Fixkosten.
Wir wollen doch alle das du STEEMWORLD für immer weiterführst und auch finanziell etwas davon hast, aber vllt wird es Zeit deine eigenen Ambitionen etwas runter zu fahren und dich nach einer etragreicheren Einnahmequelle umzusehen. Als talentierter Entwickler sollte das für dich eigentlich kein Problem sein, ertragreiche Arbeit zu finden. Vllt kapieren manche es dann endlich, wenn du STEEMWORLD nur noch als sideproject am laufen hälst...
Alles Gute für dich.

P.S. Der nächste BTC Bullenmarkt dauert leider wahrscheinlich noch ca. 2 Jahre. Ich hoffe du überlegst dir eine Lösung.

One vote per week is quite a reasonable request. You are doing a fantastic job and a lot of people rely on what you have already done.

I'm quite looking forward to using your editor as well.

Steem is not a place to earn a living from for most people, so a dollar an hour is actually real good for here. I bet most users would be happy with a dollar a day.

Having said that, however, I truly believe that someone with your ability could be earning well over $100,000 per year working for a company. Working for Steem users is a noble thing to do, but it doesn't seem to pay very well (at this time of low Steem prices). If you didn't need to cash out, then you could wait for the price to jump and it may all then be worth the effort. However, if you depend on your Steem income to live, then that sucks.

You sir, are a machine! I use your app every single day. Love it!

Have you set on autovote for 100%. Have another hundred. It's really that good!