SteemWorld soon to be back with all services!

in #steemworld4 years ago

I don't have much time, but I wanted to let you know that SteemWorld will continue to work properly (with all data) again presumably by the coming weekend. May be already tomorrow evening.

Gone through hell, but I'm back.
Take care. It's getting serious.
Nothing can stop this.


Danke Dir für die Info 👌

Good to hear it! Has been partially working but as of now comes up with a blank screen.
Take care, man!

Yes, thank you!
BTW if you would still like some source of income without needing to post, then I'm sure we can set up something either through delegations or a token. I see a lot of support, even if SPS did not prove to be regular.
Feel free to get in touch on discord.

Will there be a “HiveWorld” for

I'm still processing the new reality that is coming to light these days. Not much money/motivation left to be able to continue something that failed with the same people again.

I won't leave Steem, that for sure. If hive needs a HiveWorld (would prefer a different name) and I would earn enough for all the work and new servers/domains, I might join, but at the moment I stay cautious.

Two things must be done on hive at least:

  • Limit the number of witness votes one account can do to ~ 5
  • Disable witness votes for active witnesses (kings should not be able to vote for sub kings)

I really appreciate your work, SteemWorld has been guiding me through the Steem labyrinth all this time. One thing is clear: I'm not going anywhere without ChillerWorld!
All the best to you in these troubled times,

Disable witness votes for active witnesses (kings should not be able to vote for sub kings)

I don't think that this is a good action to counteract what you intend to do. Because then the "kings" will just use other accounts with close to 0 stake as witness accounts. That wasn't even unusual for Steem (I can remember @utopian.witness or @busy.witness off my head - even though those were for another reason)

Limiting the witness votes is a must though in my opinion.

I hope you can find a way to move over, Steemworld has been an incredible tool for me over the last couple of years.
Either way, thank you for your efforts.

Apply to the sps?

Should be a no brainer to bring you along, IMO.

Well, he tried that before and most of the Witnesses made sure his proposal was rejected. So, why bother going through it all again?

Lots of changes since then, but, yeah, if we keep the same overlords as before, nothing changes.

After what they done to you, basically trying to force you to hand over your code for a few peanuts, I perfectly understand your choice. 🙄

Thanks for all your work @steemchiller.

I've loved using the tool but totally understand that duplicating a labour of love to another platform with no potential payoff is thee definition of a PIA..

I did a search for @steemchiller on that page which yielded zero results. What am I missing?

Probably, I kinda think so..... Just sit tight and wait!

Hey @steemchiller, here is a little bit of BEER from @freebornangel for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Thanks for the update. Health is definitely more important than running a service but I'm glad you're dedicated to it!

Edit: I just noticed you're voting for some of Justin's sockpuppet witnesses though. I would hope a person running a Steem service would recognize an attacker for what he is and not vote for his sockpuppets.

Prächtig :))

man merkt ja immer erst wie wichtig und unverzichtbar etwas ist wenn es NICHT so recht klappt.


!BEER !MARLIANS !SHOP !DERANGED !COFFEEA und !trdo !LOTUS !SAND !engage 22 !TALENT oder !TLNT !GEEK !GOD !MEME !WEED !giphy superman


Congratulations @meins0815, you successfuly trended the post shared by @steemchiller!
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giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Great news! I was kind of missing the mentions and followers stats, not that there are many these days.

Thank you for staying around in these dire times ;>)

Wunderbar!!! Alles Gute dir!

@tipu curate

Add new option for download the account private key pdf file from steemworld same like steemit.

Oh! So glad to hear this! I was wondering go what’s been happening!!
This drama between the sun and the moon is giving the Universe a headache!