SteemWorld Update ~ Claim All Rewards / Account Tokens Overview

in #steemworld5 years ago


I added a new Claim All Rewards button in the Balances section, so that we can claim the pending rewards for all tokens with a click. Of course, this will also claim the pending STEEM, SBD and SP rewards in case there are any.

Steem-Engine Tokens

Since claiming the rewards for SE tokens via SCOT API can take up to 5 minutes (in my tests) and I don't want users to send the same request multiple times, I added a timer to check when the last claim action has taken place. So, the Claim Rewards button will from now on be disabled for 5 minutes (per token) after successfully broadcasting the operation. Patience is key ;)

Account Tokens Overview

I added the token type to the overview and there is now also STEEM listed, so that we can jump back to the root token with ease.

Tip: If you are in a hurry and want to revert back to STEEM even faster, just make a double click into here:

Steem On!


Ich gehe mal davon aus du bist während des HF 21 online, daher folgende Fragen:
Wird Steemworld nach dem HF 21 sofort alle Posts nach dem neuen curation Modell berechnen?
Ist das curation window jetzt 1 Minute oder 5 Minuten? Ich habe da unterschiedliche Angaben gelesen...
Werden vor 6 Tagen geschriebene Posts auch schon nach dem neuen Modell abgerechnet? Dann hätte man ja eigentlich früher anfangen müssen mit der Umstellung des voting Verhaltens.
Thx for info.

Jo, ich bin nachher online. Gegen 17 Uhr werde ich ein Update hochladen, welches dann an die HF21-Logik angepasst ist. Ob auf Anhieb alles richtig berechnet werden wird, kann ich noch nicht sagen, aber ich bin auf jeden Fall live dabei und kann dann ggf. sofort reagieren.

Ist das curation window jetzt 1 Minute oder 5 Minuten?

Das wurde vor Kurzem doch noch auf 5 Minuten gesetzt.

Werden vor 6 Tagen geschriebene Posts auch schon nach dem neuen Modell abgerechnet?

Ich habe das nicht im Source geprüft, aber mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wird die neue Logik für aktive Posts sofort angewendet. Es wäre sonst auch schwierig für die Nodes den Reward-Pool richtig zu berechnen, denke ich.

Dann hätte man ja eigentlich früher anfangen müssen mit der Umstellung des voting Verhaltens.

Einige haben das auch schon getan ;)

I’ve been waiting for someone to do this. Thanks so much!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

"U da man!" 😉👍

P.S. English slang for "you are the man!" ...

You the man with the big cojones? :D
Just a little Grand Theft Auto: Vice City reference, if you did not know it.

Up before 🌄 (here) @steemchiller, with a little bit of time to follow up on some Steem related issues ...

In doing so, I thought of a feature I wish was available to me in SteemWorld. Specifically, the ability to click on a Steem account and have a list of all related accounts displayed where that account is shown on your "General Data" dialog screen as "Recovery Account."

I assume, if this view was available, then we would quickly be able to find all of the accounts linked to that person / entity. As it is now, I have to painstakingly click through a bunch of screens and may or may not uncover any related Steem account links ...

This is not a formal request, simply a conceptual idea that may or may not have merit to you. Also, even if it had merit, I have no idea what it would take to program this capability, i.e. whether the time vs. the benefit would be reasonable ...

Hope you and yours are having a good day "over there!" 😊

Das ist echt mal eine super Funktion 👍

Omg! You are always one step beyond the rest! Excellent work!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey @steemchiller! I was just looking at some things in the vote distribution chart for a post I'm writing and was wondering if it would be possible to also add the order of voters in this column? I think it could be interesting for people to see how it has affected their curation rewards now that they may be of more importance with the new hardfork.

For example being able to change the order of this list based on first and last voters in order than just the weight:

If this already exists somewhere on steem-world then my bad. :D

Hope you can consider adding this! Thanks!

Thanks for the idea @acidyo! I wanted to add something like that for a long time...

How about this:

The column headers are clickable to change the order in the table.
It's now implemented on SteemWorld ;)

Lieber Chiller,

diese Sortier-Möglichkeit ist klasse! Vielen Dank!

Und liebe Grüße, @double-u

fucking sick! :D

Amazing! Thank you so much! You're an idol of a developer.

Amazing! Thank you
So much! You're an idol of
A developer.

                 - acidyo

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Wow, @steemchiller this is wonderful addition for the steem world. I have so many tokens to claim but as it hard to do each transaction.. I left them lone. Now I gonna use this feature. Thank you very much for bringing this amazing thing brother.

!COFFEEA machine must have been broken... 😆 So I used SBI... tastes a bit different... but goes nice too with a little !BEER hopefully now =) anyway 3 more. Little by little we are going to get there. Making a the best decentralized TOOL of STEEM!

!COFFEEA machine must have been broken... 😆 So I used SBI... tastes a bit different... but goes nice too with a little !BEER hopefully now =) anyway 3 more. Little by little we are going to get there. Making a the best decentralized TOOL of STEEM!

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to send 1 BEER per day)

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

Right! LOL forgot! Redoing...

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to send 1 BEER per day)

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to send 1 BEER per day)

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to send 1 BEER per day)

You cannot sent token to yourself.

That is brilliant and so badly needed. I was waiting for steem-engine to add that feature but fair play to you for getting there ahead of them.

Hallo @steemchiller 👋
Erst mal Danke für die Neuerungen an steemWold claim. Der Token .
Jetzt zu meinem Anliegen . Anscheinend müssen einige einen Post über Deine Neuerungen bei steemwold machen obwohl Du einen Post darüber verfasst hast ich finde das respektlos sollte es nicht mit dir abgestimmt sein, den diese einnahmen stehen Dir zu . Dafür sind resteems gedacht.
Meine Meinung!

Einfach lösbar indem der Author in bswp Steempeak Beneficaries auf 100% @steemchiller stellt. ;)

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