Twinge #2: Clean the Bathroom (June 9)
Twinge (Twin Challenge) #2: clean my gross bathroom before the monsters wake up.
It's disgusting.
Why it's a Twinge:
I hesitated to make this a twinge because it's just part of adult life, but I decided there is a twinge factor! I'm so limited on time, and not a fast cleaner, so I need to really push it. I had to decide cleaning was more important than sleep, eating, or getting ready for the day. This is a mental twinge.
Cleaning supplies
Baby swing
Rock n play
Game plan:
- No real plan here! Just do it.
I'll call this a 50/50, or partial win because I cleaned the counters and scrubbed the shower floor before Roland woke up crying. Cuddled him a bit, and then realized in was 30 minutes past their eating time! Yikes. Diapers are changed and babies are sucking down their lunches. Hopefully they'll let me finish up soon.