in #stemng7 years ago

Soda is any type of fizzy sweet drink that is non-alcoholic. Soda water is any type of water that is mixed with small alcoholic drinks.
Soda were called fizzy drinks because it having bubbles of gas in it. A soft drink is a drink that contains carbonated water, very sweet, and both artificial and natural flavoring.
Soft drink are not hard drinks. Small alcoholic materials (beverages) may actually be added to it but should not more than 0.5% of the total volume if the soft drink to be considered non-alcoholic drinks.
Soft drinks could be served chilled (very cold) or at room temperature .some drinks are mixed with other beverages in bars, airplanes, restaurant, night clubs, and other places.
Soda can be refers to some chemicals which contains of sodium carbonate(washing soda or soda ash),sodium bicarbonate (baking soda),sodium hydroxide(caustic soda) and sodium oxide(an alkali metal oxide).May also refers to as food and beverage like soda water (carbonate water),soft drink, soda cracker, soda bread and ice cream soda.
Soda drinks are orangeade, peachick, pinta, apple juice, mineral water, bitter lemon, bottled water, float, ginger, ginger ale juice, squash, soft drinks, tonic, slim line, root bear, non-alcoholic, orange juice, Coca-Cola. Coke, cola, cold brew, cordial cream soda, malt, mineral water, lemonade, iced tea, pop, Pepsi.

Sugar cane
A glass of cold sugarcane juice not only quenches our thirst but also invigorates us. Given its popularity to beat the heat, it is no new that one of the leading producers of sugarcane is India. In respect of different local language it is actually called with many different names, and the humble sugarcane possess peace to every parched soul. Loaded with abundant carbohydrates, proteins, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and potassium, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C, sugarcane juice also keeps you in good shape.

Because it belonging to a grass family, sugarcane can easily grow anywhere and it is available at very cheap prices. Despite it is native to Papua New Guinea, it has become a part of the crop production of more than half of the world, including Asia and America. Sugar cane can either be eat in pieces or drink a glass of the sugar cane juice mixed with ginger, black rock salt and mint.
For a healthier and stress free life you should add the sugarcane juice into your diet and it good for digestive distress because presence of potassium in sugar cane helps balance the pH levels of the stomach.
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Soda may dehydrates the body while the sugar cane re-hydrates the body, caused the instant energy booster and rejuvenating your skin (curing of acne).
Soda may cause high risk of heart attack and stroke while sugar cane improves the heart.
Soda causes fatty liver while sugarcane improves the liver as one of the best treatments for liver-related sicknesses like jaundice. What you need to do just add the sugar cane juice with lime water and take it 3 times in a day.
Poor functioning of the liver and clogged bile ducts caused Jaundice. Sugarcane ensures speedy recovery and maintain the glucose level in the body and electrolyte balance in the body because sugar cane is alkaline in nature, stops the liver from going into overdrive.
Soda increases the blood fats. Causes anemia and increases the blood pressure while sugar cane produces fresh blood. And a cure for Anemia.

Soda causes constipation while sugar cane helps the intestines. It helps the digestion and laxative.
Soda causes infertility while sugarcane increase the sexual desire. It also improves the reproductive organs and ensure safety pregnancy.
Soda causes high chance of diabetes while sugar cane suitable for diabetes patient in moderation. Present of sucrose with low glycemic index helps to keep blood levels in control.

Soda causes kidney stone while sugar cane cures the urinary tract obstruction.
Soda causes born weakness while sugar cane improves the nerves and bones. It prevents bad breath and tooth decay. Actually the teeth enamel can be built by the sugarcane because sugarcane contains host minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The host minerals such as calcium and phosphorous presence in the Sugar cane actually build the teeth enamel. The sugarcane contains nutrients which prevents decay and strengths the teeth. It helps especially the child teeth-related and bone related problem.

Soda may actually cause febrile disorder which is extremely common in growing children while Sugarcane juice is extremely important suitable for curing instances of febrile disorders that are extremely common in growing children and replenish the loss of protein.

Soda can also comprehensive causes fatal diseases like cancer while sugar cane juice can comprehensive cures fatal disease like cancer because presence of flavonoids in sugar cane reducing risks of breast cancer.
Now you can decide what to drink.
Let be careful
