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in #stewardsofgondor7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Whether you like or dislike Haejin extorting him on Steem by threatening to turn him into the IRS is pretty low. Steem looks like it is becoming a mere reflection of our current power structure. You know the one that has a systemic need to use government force to 'flex' others into submission. This is not what I signed up for. It sounds like there are two major forces at work here collectivism vs individualism. Those that standby and upvote this post really should rethink their stance because if the shoe was on the other foot would you think the same? (BTW MOST people based on some recent reports are not paying their crypto tax) If you want to make it more 'fair' then change the rules and make steem power less of a indicator of how much power someone has. The current rules dictate the rich becoming richer. There are 5+ million more people that will use the system to gain financial freedom even if you did take Haejin down. If I can buy my way into power then how does 'Truth' ever reach the users/audience of Steem? Or maybe I am on the wrong platform?


well, the greed blinds them @starjumo @haejin @scarlet7 @ranchorelaxo and they making a killing out of steemit. Maybe they will isten to and share ther wealth with the irs, since they don't want to share it here... (massive profits!)

sharing is caring

Why does it bother you so much? Are you projecting on to them? Are they down voting you?

You´ll regret your words when we have no steemit after they tear it down.

It won't exist for very long if things aren't changed anyways. Going after people that are NOT cheating won't help anything. Please go read my comment on this.

I had to write about this so here is my longer response to this article...

Good post. i was about to upvote it as i was reading till i realize the fact that you did not mention RANCHORELAXO AT ALL

Good, I will take your vote. Added!

" Let's see... @Haejin posts content, 20k+ users and himself upvote his content, @Haejin takes the reward and trades the coins on an open market. The market created Steem, the rules were voted on, a user is utilizing Steem to their advantage and a few of the users are upset because this person is taking too much money? ..."

you better do your homework regarding @ranchorelaxo, otherwise i am going to think that you try to omit it just to play haejin as a victim....

I don't need to learn all the technical aspects because the issue is who owns Steem Power, owns Steem. Someone needs to correct this by branching or changing the algorithm to allow steem to take off based on who has the best content. A free market is always a better choice then a paid, manipulated market. I'll take that vote now if you don't mind. ;)

Thank you for add ranchorelaxo to your post
but is still missing in the part that says "Haejin posts content, 20k+ users (ranchorelaxo here?) and himself upvote his content..." i think that would be accurate. i by no mean i am going to tell you what to do, free will!

you do seem like a nice person :)

and i kinda agree with you on this comment!


What's happening here is that one user is ABUSING the system. If they were on Amazon rating everything 1 star it would be the exact same thing. He's spamming, he's not adding content, that is formulaic spam. Those followers by and large appear only in the haijin universe, while many of them were created at once and started following en mass the donkey. The matter of taxes is legal, lawful and decent, it's not about submission at all, that's why there are exemptions to all taxes and ultimately they are there for the benefit of bankruptcy protection, insurance etc. Now back to Steem, the reason why it's not fair is not that he is playing OUTSIDE the rules, any more than let's say someone is abusing a benign and ultimately large positive of the game. The chance for abuse is there because we don't want people to be beaten into some submission and their negative actions will ultimately help build up the community, that is in the whitepaper, saying something along the lines that "you don't want to eliminate bad actors ... but you want to keep abuse from becoming rampant at the same time". In essence, then bad actors help to make for a more resilient and powerful platform, it's the challenges that they bring which we need to address.
How? KISS (keep it stupid simple). Why? To incentivize cooperation. The solution to his behavior is A: if he is small enough/not vested more than 50% of the worth of the platform that the community flags him, which means that those who hold so much of the stake have that much more responsibility in maintaining this abuse from being rampant, in doing so they will win the love of the community and their adoration is priceless, if though as you aluded that they are too large to be dealt with we could simply hardfork the community and ban him and freeze all his funds. We are not powerless against abusers. Case and point, this is not EXTORTION, this is someone possibly abusing the bankruptcy protection, the insurance and bond of their office and bypassing countless regulations that they otherwise agreed to through their choice of contracting and employment, and this post is simply someone being VERY NICE all he wants is assurance that this abuser won't abuse in a very specific way.