Stock Market Manipulation

This here is the chart for the U.S. DOW Jones. Clearly visible at the scale is the extreme volume increase which began in December of 2016 and kicked into gear at the start of 2017. This is what I would call an ‘anomaly,’ and an extreme one indeed. At the start of 2017 I had already been quite aware of the “burning money” routine being executed, having the need for such routine after a period of quantitative easing. This has happened a handful of times in the past and it is the same pattern: quantitative easing, pumping cash into stock market, known as “propping”, and upon raising the interest rates (usually very rapidly) we fall into a “crash,” a recession, and at the worst, a depression.

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Quantitative easing can be looked at in a very rudimentary fashion as “printing money.” The simple reason for this… While the Federal Reserve is always “printing money” it is when those monies get loaned out at extremely low interest rates, meaning it is near “Free” to borrow. The “quantitative easing” is a lowering of these borrowing rates, making the printed money more accessible, and therefore, MORE money is in circulation than would be if those rates were higher, thereby preventing much borrowing. In this way it is assisting a “growth” in economy. With the creation of the ILLEGAL company called, “Federal Reserve,” we also had the creation of “controlled inflation/deflation” or “scientifically controlled…” and with lowering and raising rates, we have manipulation.

It is VERY common (if not definite) to pour this money into the stock markets and as a result, blowing them up to ridiculous proportions; unnatural, extreme and exciting. The excitement assists in the distraction of the “masses.” To make an LOOOONG story short, theres is a limit to how many times this pattern can take place before the system falls in on itself, and collapses much like a Ponzi pyramid scam. At some point the ‘value’ (money) stops coming in, and in this instance, the value of the money stops “coming in” to the point that “new” growth is stifled and brought to a halt. One can only “fake” value for so long before the system dies. Those who created the illegal company, Federal Reserve, had understood and planned for this in the same way they planned control of inflation/deflation, and I call this “the hundred year outlook.” The rreason I call it this is because I am near positive that these fed reserve originators had not only a 5, 10, 20, 25 year outlook, all charted out, but also the 50, 75 and 100 year charts. Here we are 100 years later, the Federal Reseerve was signed into law by Woodrow Willson in 1913, and that tipping point of collapse is here. I call this, “letting the dollar go,” meaning, the dollar was propped up as the main fiat currency for many decades, and by ‘propped’ I mean “intentional,” pricing the value of major commodities such as gold and oil according to USD. This will be changing in this era of “globalization.”

When I decided to check out the dow chart over the last few years I noticed exactly what I would expect, intentional propping of the market. Yes, the manipulation of low interest rates and pouring that money into the market has been happening since 2009, “the final recession,” but in 2017, there was a doubling in volume, and this volume represents the “burning of money” in order to soften the blow of raising interest rates. Make no mistake, this is INTENTIONAL MARKET MANIPULATION BY THE UNITED STATES FINANCIAL SECTOR and more directly THE FEDERAL RESERVE.

There is a reason you won’t see this chart, this idea, this perspective on television and the newspaper. WSJ seems to be adamant on making sure the readers not only are not aware of this situation but indeed trying to distract the reader into a different perspective on the whole thing. WSJ is a propaganda machine, along with all the newspapers, with PR and Marketing deciding where an article is positioned, where a headline will stand out most, etc. The “scientifically” controlled inflation is representative of the “scientifically controlled” (calculated and implemented) medias. The scientifically controlled education of the masses. The scientifically controlled approach to health. Can you see the pattern of “empirical focus”? This, too, is quite intentional.

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