When to buy a stock

in #stocks6 years ago

(1) Price action
Price above aflattening or rising 30 week MA
(2) Relative performance
Above Mansfield zero line (52 week MA)
(3) Volume
2 times the 4 week craege or greater on stage 2A breached
(4) Little or no heavy new term resistance (old overhead resistance the better )
(5) 10 days/30 days/10 weeks/6 months/1/2/3/5/10 are moving average
(6) 52 week high / low
(7) Sector wise performance
(8) Buy a stock in ? (75-80% buys) or ?2A stage or late 1 stage
As a lone term investor, buy only half of your intended position on initial breakout and the other half if the
stock pulls back close for the breakout price


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