Do not follow the herd! - Stoicism Wednesday's #56

Seneca stated that:
We should not, like sheep, follow the herd of creatures in front of us, making our way where others go, not where we ought to go
This is a lifestyle choice, and a difficult one indeed. Consciously deciding to follow one's own destiny and purpose leads you to rebel against the status quo. This is met with difficulty and hardships in the process, it is not easy to be different, it is not easy to follow your passions in a hyper-social and judgemental society.
It takes immense courage and self-discipline to follow through with this and to consistently avoid following the herd because life is much easier when we just fit in with the normality of everyday life.
Go to school, follow the trends, fit in, go to parties, try your best to please everyone, go to university, get a career with a high paying job which most likely is not your passion.
I am only 22 but I believe that the regret that most people experience when they meet their life's end is that they didn't follow their personal dreams and their purpose in life. It is very important to still be active within society (unless your purpose is to self sustain in the wild, completely away from society), but it is vital that you stay aware that you are not following the herd, people-pleasing, and therefore, not taking care of yourself properly.
It takes courage, people will complain about you, they will try to bring you down but stay in a state of Prosoche, stay true to yourself and be brave enough to be the shepherd, and not the sheep.
Have a great week!
Who is Seneca?
Seneca, born in southern Spain over 2,000 years ago in 4 BC and educated in Rome was a high-ranking financial clerk who pursued a career in politics. He worked with Emperor Nero as his tutor and advisor for many years which is where he was subsequently killed by order of Nero himself due to suspicion of Seneca being treacherous. He died in 65 AD. He was interested in many different types of philosophies but sold himself on the idea and concept of Stoicism primarily coined by Zeno in theory. Read by important figures in society such as Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Tim Ferris, the writings of Seneca compiled into the books that express his ideas are still very influential even today.