Stolen Identity/ Stolen Life

I know myself and I know who I am. I will not repay a penny. I want you to admit the wrong you have done to me. I.e stealing my identity and ID papers and giving it to a Nigerian prostitute.

Just got off the phone call with OBSI, basically she is trying to say I am liable to repay fraud money. This woman done lost her mind. I know she is only repeating what she was told to tell me. I kept all my conversations with Ronald Chimba, (Fred Dafo, Henry Brown).

I will not repay any monies. My devices that have so much spyware and malware on it.
The banks are liable for those fraudulent transactions, that I am certain went to the benefit of the Nigerian prostitute and her gang.

I saw Alayah Mohammed Khan went to Vietnam. I saw Ronald Chimba got a business called the moving maniacs.

I just sit around and watch and see how these evil people benefit from the lies and crimes of Aggression and Fraud committed against me.

Then they want to patronize me saying she would send me information on how to be safe. Does this woman think I am stupid.

I will not under any circumstance repay a penny to the bank. I was so confused for years, why I am been stalked and harassed like this. I want Shimon Karmel charged. I want Shannon Neill-Sword charged. I want Kolton Sleegers charged. This individuals send people into my life to abuse me on a daily basis.

The bank knows my spending habits. The banks are aware I do not know this people. I just want to go to court and clear my name for the abuses , I have had to suffer for 10years.

I have had to live a life of poverty and abuses because Shannon Neill-Sword stole my identity and have it to a Nigerian prostitute who used it to become a professor at the University of Toronto, she apparently had a biracial son. The fact that no government official or police officer ever told me about this is frightening and very scary. I am always told to pack up and leave and I never know why.

Now the prostitute and her gang are trying to get me to repay monies they exploited out of me under duress. When all I have ever wanted was to live a simple ordinary life.

Let's end this cycle of abuse and clear my name. Please.