All your steem are belong to us

in #stopbegging6 years ago
Upvote my post, check out my blog, follow me, vote me up, I'm poor.
You are greedy, Y U NO support me.
How do I make it big on Steem, help me, help me.
I'm broke and have problems, give me feedback, can you send me a few sbds, my dog needs surgery..

This happens all day long anywhere you are in the Steem Community. And so it goes...  You get it on every post, in chat rooms, in private messages...

Last night, I heard the best one of all.  I was hanging out in SteemSpeak with @Steemitqa and a few others, when a person came in to tell us, he had made a bad gambling bet and he needed 500 Steem or he was going to be beaten and go to jail.

Wow!  That sounds like a big problem, but I didn't place the bet, you did.  It doesn't matter if the stories are real or fake, it gets old and if you are considering asking for help or money consider how often anyone who owns Steem is being asked to give it away..  

* meme blatantly stolen from the Internet

The situation is real..  

There is a Steem Shortage and not enough people who are curating and have any Steem power to support all the end-users at the level they want to be supported.

And so it goes...  It is on every post, in chat rooms, in private messages...

People make posts telling people how to earn more and that is a good thing, share your experience and what has worked for you, but also I think people need to reconsider their expectations.

There are only a few accounts that have enough steem power to give large votes.  The vast majority of us do not have enough steem power to give you that huge vote you are asking about.  We have a limited amount of voting power to use while rewarding posts.  Most of us also have some time and attention limitations as well.

When I was a minnow we mostly got votes from other minnows and we learned and grew very slowly.  As your account grows, your friend's account grows as well.  Plus if you create interesting content, bigger accounts begin to notice you as well.

* Illustration from "Where Did I Come From", by Peter Mayle 

Maybe instead of being frustrated about your current earnings, adjust your expectations, and calm down. 

The people who already have some Steem also want to earn more Steem.  So, the competition is tough, attention is limited, Steem is Limited.

Set your expectations accordingly.  

Find ways to stand out!  

There is no fast track to earning Steem.  There is a Steem Shortage.  Nobody wants to give you their Steem, you will have to find creative and interesting ways to earn it.  

Or adjust your expectations and let your account slowly grow.  

Here's an idea, you could go and buy some Steem, that would be great!

I am on your side, I want you to earn Steem!  I want you to get rich or be able to quit your job or whatever it is you want to achieve. I want you to be successful, but you have to figure out how to do it!



I'm having flashbacks to the early days of BBS systems when these stupid chainletters would do the rounds, and people would be begging for donations for the three-legged orphan child from Puraboopistan who needed an operation for his sister's donkey...

Seems this "it's easier to beg than to work" crap has been around as long as there have been humans on the planet. There was probably a caveman who tried to persuade his cavemate to hand over his club, rather than go out and find one for himself.

Here, have an upvote. You're clearly in need of assistance!

Sometimes I see people putting more effort into not working than it would take just to work. I agree, there have always been these types and it is unlikely to end.

From my research I think its better you keep posting consistently and also commenting more, I have made more SP+SBD from commenting...

As a newbaby I will yield to your advice and stick to grOwing with my group...

Hope to see you all when I become a dolphin.... lolz

Most likely how it all started. lol

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

From what I am seeing there should be more people buying steem and raising the price. It's crazy seeing people waste time and money to LOSE money on a bot. Recently it seems like you are lucky to get a 10% ROI but some bots seem to lose money every single round! That might be my next round of advocacy. I think I'm pretty good at bidding but even I have been having some bad rounds very recently.

Not everyone has the same goal. Some are going to visibility, rep and viewers, others are going for money. There is no reason to "Rail Against" it, in my opinion, it is a self-correcting problem as you point out. As more people try to game them, they are less profitable and they will eventually become the tools for visibility that was intended.

I think a higher steem price would be an overall benefit the platform. Hopefully we can eventually improve the trending page as well. Overall though I think this is a good platform and it seems like I'm more bullish about it than Ned. lol

I like the trending page now much more than before. I think if most people went and looked, they would be surprised. Not saying it is perfect, but it is way better than it used to be.

I agree that it is not as bad as most people seem to think. I agree that it has improved and I remember when Jerry had a post about the good things about steem and it was #1 and I really thought it should have been number one.

You mentioned buying Steem and I've been thinking about doing that. It would increase my voting power and support Steemit, right? I know nothing about cryptocurrency so I've spent a lot of time researching how to buy Steem.

I found posts from 2 years ago explaining how - in 25 easy steps - with comments saying this isn't good information anymore.

I found the "Currency Market" tab that takes me to a chart and and option to buy or sell. But I could find nothing that explains the process. Am I bidding at a price for how much I want to buy? Which may never be filled if no one is selling at that price? Are there options for payment - credit card, PayPal? I'm afraid to click on a button when I don't know what it will do.

Is there is a simple way to do this?

As for the main point of your post, I haven't been approached by these begging people - yet. In real life, yes. My philosophy is - 'Your need doesn't create my obligation.' I help people I know, those I know need a hand up.

Oh this brought up so many memories. I completely remember how intimidating it was to buy in when I was new. On my first purchase, I just used $100.00 so if anything went bad the amount wasn't enough to be too upsetting.

There are many ways to buy in depending on goals and amounts and the first time is really hard and felt complicated. I kept asking for help, and those who were already used to dealing with Crypto would just give me off the cuff simple answers which didn't make any sense to me at the time!

That first purchase is a huge deal, it feels hard, and I also get the idea of being afraid to click on things and not knowing who and what you can trust.

I spend a lot of time in discord if you ever want to hit me up feel free to.

Heh heh. I was thinking more in the $10 range just to see if I could figure it out. :-} Then go back for more when I felt more confident. I thought the "Currency Market" seemed like it was made for us simple folk, I just need an explanation (ideally step-by-step) of how it works.

I went to discord by someone's invitation and didn't know how to find my way around. It reminded me of the early days on a BBS which I also had a hard time figuring out. sigh. But I do like the idea of having a more private talk, which I assume that's what discord is for?

Thank you!

I decided to take a big breath and hit the button. It didn't ask me how I intended to pay for it so I'm thinking I didn't buy anything. Oh well, when I understand it better I'll try again.

How can I reach you On discord?

Did he place the bet in steem or USD. If in USD, he will need 1000 now after recent price crash :)

lol, this made me laugh.

Your advices are great, clear, straight forward and crisp and we need that because, Steemians should understand, everyone here came to make something and if anyone thinking that, in one moment Big Steemians will give their valuable upvotes or people will give their Steem and SBD then it will not happen because it's their asset and their earned or buy it. In the case which you mentioned about the requirement of 500 Steem, instead of coming like that, and if he would created an post about the situation with backing some evidence and seriousness of his situation, possibly he would get some upvotes, because we have tools now to write, so if anything is genuine then write it. At last i want to say that, if life is not easy and we complaint numerous things about life then how will be Steemit easy, which is inturn an aspect of life only. Don't just ask, produce your own opportunities, think Steemit as an treasure land, write, write, write and you don't know from which written investment you will get gems. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

We need more Nigerian 419 scams.

Aww c'mon. The whole begging thing isn't always a Nigerian. I mean, sure we've got some people who are a bit off, but we ain't as bad as it seems. We have some of the most educated elites in Africa with good morals as well. There are a few good ones here and i'm proud to say i'm Nigerian.

Oh agreed. But the 419 scam is so well known, almost synonymous with internet scams. Not that America has a shortage of con artists. We’ve even got one who’s President.

Oh i like Him... at least he's better off than ours because he can express himself as he pleases. Ours is a fruitcake.

I was about to downvote you until I realised I was laughing

Yeah, we've got the 419 clan and the internet fraudsters too

Say, I have a refinery that's up for bid. It's about 40 million dollars and can make 10 million dollars in a year as net profit easily. But for you, I can get the refinery at 20 million dollars. Yeah, I know the right palms to grease .

I also run a charity organization that seeks to prevent people from dying of old age



But seriously, we have the good guys too. There are genuine people in need. Sometimes offering an helping hand is a leap of faith. Do it only if you're not scared of heights


The truth is people gets too talented when it comes to begging, they do all things to look for a way to beg, I've been on steemit 9 months, no major support, but I'm at 590sp with no special treatment.

However you're right, people grow with time and being creative in begging is just not the way at all, on a funny note, you're even spot on with the kinds of phrases they use.

I would say, I love your contest, the rat one, I dived in on it yesterday, I hope my entry thrills you

I am glad!! I am going to start reading them tomorrow! Good luck. :) It was a fun post with some great stories in response.

Hey, I just found out my foot was severed by a....wandering lion who escaped from a nearby zoo.

Lion, Predator, Dangerous, Mane, Cat, Male, Zoo

I am going to sue the zookeeper, but in the meantime, I need a prosthetic foot, and money for an attorney. And since you are a greedy bastard, I figure you owe me. 'bout you just give me 2,000 SBD. That should do the trick....for now. I hope you believe my story because it is true.


Well, I don't know about you, but I've been hearing a lot that Steemit is leading people to the developed path. 😂

Yeah, there are ways that people can do well here. But I don't think there's any single way to be successful. It's such a new and different system.

But you're right: people should adjust their expectations. Steemit makes no promises and nobody is entitled to success.

Equal opportunity, not equal outcome.