{Must Read} Cole And The Demon Season 2 Episode 1

in #stories7 years ago (edited)

Missed The Last Season ?? Link to season 1 https://www.classicpluz.com/tag/cole-and-the-demon/

Continues From The Last Scene…………

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EPISODE 1 Cole looked at Zafira. “Eat me? Just where are
you trying to take me?!”
“Calm down,” she said. “When we go in, keep
your eyes forward, don’t stare at anyone, and
never let go of my arm.”
“O-okay,” Cole said. He tightened his grip on the
demoness’ arm.
“Very well. You may proceed,” the man said.
The brick wall behind the large man rippled like a
huge stone dropping into a pond. The wall
suddenly swirled in a vortex glowing in purple
light. It was a gateway. Cole had no clue what
was on the other side, but he was about to find
out. Zafira strode forward; Cole walked at her
They stepped into the portal and Cole felt himself
jerked forward at high speed, like a rocket
boosting into space. Only a few seconds passed
before Cole found himself in a small square room.
The room was empty, save for Zafira, himself, and
a single red door. Their gateway was gone.
Zafira hunched over. “Urk!” she grunted. Her
horns, wings and tail all came into full view.
“Are you okay?” Cole asked, concerned. “You look
like you’re in pain.”
“It’s nothing,” she grumbled. “Purgatory has only
one rule: no violence. As a way to keep the peace,
Anariel created an anti-magic barrier. This barrier
makes all magic useless once inside, including
that which keeps my true appearance hidden.”
“This ‘Anariel’ sounds very powerful,” Cole said.
He helped Zafira stand.
The succubus regained her composure and stood
upright. “She is very gifted in the arts of magic,
even rivaling that of an Aspect.”
An Aspect. A powerful demon that governs a Sin,
or a powerful angel that governs a Virtue. Just
who, or what, was Zafira dealing with?
Zafira pushed open the door. “Remember: eyes
forward; stay with me.”
Cole followed her orders as they stepped inside.
Sure enough, Purgatory was a bar, a bar like any
other. There was, however, one glaring difference:
the patrons were clearly not human. Cole caught
glimpses of all manner of creatures in his
peripheral vision. Some were huge hulking beasts
with large teeth; others were only waist high,
bearing sharp claws and several sets of beady
Fearsome creatures were not the only patrons.
The premises were shared by less intimidating
beings that looked almost human, save for their
long pointed ears and birdlike wings. Some wings
were covered in glossy bright white feathers;
others were as flat-black as soft coal.
Regardless of whether they looked intimidating or
peaceful, all appeared to be consorting peacefully.
Some mingled at the bar. Some shuffled cards or
threw dice and wagered at distant tables. All
seemed to be enjoying themselves.
That is, until they took notice of Cole and Zafira.
Cole felt many piercing eyes as Zafira lead him
through the tavern. To them, Cole was the weird
one. Zafira led Cole to an isolated table in a
corner where they sat with their backs against the
The bar was momentarily quiet. Growls, hisses,
and cold stares were tossed in Cole’s direction.
One particular brute with large tusks approached
their table, salivating like he was about to dine on
the finest delicacy.
Zafira shook her head intimidatingly. Her silent
warning was heard and the brute returned to his
stool by the bar. The music, chatter, and card
games resumed. “So who are all these, uh,
people?” Cole asked.
“Some are demons and some are angels,” Zafira
“I thought demons and angels hated each other?”
“Under normal circumstances, they do,” Zafira
said. “But few choose their own paths, and even
fewer manage to survive being punished for their
choices by their respective factions. They gather
here for a safe place to relax and exchange
information. There are even a few demons who
uphold virtues and some angels sunken in sin.”
“So, that’s what you meant by this place being a
haven for those who rise and those who fall,
right? Do the forces of Heaven and Hell know of
this place?”
“They do, but no one except Anariel knows where
Purgatory exists physically. She created several
magic gateways around the world that lead here.
But, where ‘here’ actually is? That’s anyone’s

To Be Continued

Link to season 1 : https://www.classicpluz.com/tag/cole-and-the-demon/