Storytelling Mentorship Group 3 - Update

Introduction Mentorship post
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3

This is 'our group' Story Mentor tag

Members currently:

@twowheeledmonkey and

with @giftessiet in the process of writing an intro.

I've replied to everyone's posts now, but there are still a few that I'm 'mulling over' and I'll get to those soon. It takes a little while to think about what I can say with regards to everyone's posts and letting the posts marinate in the back of my mind helps.

If you want to think about the next task while I'm catching you up, that would be great.

As ever, please say why you're using the tag in your post because we seem to be making headway with visibility on the platform and the more people we get interested in it, the better. We can all help each other - one hand washes the other.

I'd like to know what kind of writing you're interested in - both for reading and then for writing. What would get you sitting at your computer for hours - even into the dead of night - to finish writing?

For me:

I personally enjoy an eclectic mix of writing. From biographies to biology, fact, fiction and fantasy, history, heraldry and horror. My personal bookshelves are filled with novels and story collections and with scientific studies (The Knife Man is a personal favourite, but it fell to pieces because I've read it and leafed through it so much).

Trev (my husband) bought me an early edition copy of Through The Looking-Glass (And What Alice Found There) with the original illustrations for our wedding anniversary last year. I daren't pick it up!

I love reading and if the right book has me in its thrall, I can stay up 'til the early hours with it.

The same goes for my writing. If the right story comes along, hours can pass without me realising. I get lost, absorbed into my stories and I'm a willing captive.

Dusty has come to visit for the moment and she is telling me her 8th adventure. I'm excited to continue with her adventures because she has lots of quirks and foibles that make her a fascinating character to work with. Plus, I adore her world!

Zack is another one of my characters that has lots to say right now. I'm following him in his new business - as owner and manager of a new, high-class security firm. He and his brother have put everything into their new partnership and it's all going great! They are certainly 'Golden boys' right now.

I write mainly fiction and I don't like to think of myself as 'pigeonholed' - I like to mix it up a bit (as you can probably tell from my 'Fact or Fiction?' series. I mix plenty of real experiences in to make the stories more realistic.

When I write pure fiction, I like the fantasy and horror genres. My mind runs a little dark and I do like exploring those places.

I'm waiting for Red, Ash and Celtica to pipe up with their stories. I'm sure they won't be long when they see how much attention Zack and Dusty are getting.

I have to say, discovering has changed my life.


This is great... I see it working out for so many people maybe I should give this a try too.

I saw a newbie I introduced to you being already a part of this and I quickly gave myself this big smile of fulfilment because I know he will do even way better here.

You are one person I keep making reference to whenever I make presentations at meet-ups and I even wrote about you in my last post.

Keep touching lives You rock!

Yes, join in :)

It's lovely when you see people doing as you advise... especially if it works out well for them :)

Thank you so much!

You are welcome ma'am

Hi I just came across this post luckily for me. I'm a writer of fictions and non fiction and I have never used the story mentor tag. What do I do to be able to use it?

I just posted a fiction, is it qualified to be edited and the story-mentor tag used on it?

Hi :)

For the full background on the tag and how to benefit from using it, please read the posts (in green at the top of the post).

I'm afraid I don't have time to edit everyone's writing, so that's not what this is about.

Alright. I will sure read that. Thanks.

I have never written fiction and have read some of yours off and on. When I am online. I am interested in trying a bit but not sure where to start. I had a thought occur to me this morning of a beginning.

I am really not sure how to approach this whole thing.

Sorry for all the I's because well I am looking to find out how to begin.
I am thinking of letting the story tell itself including the characters.
Is this practical or insane? lol

You are so intuitive in teaching this because I hoped to find a way to ask this question. Thanks for your input. As usual a big thanks for your time.

Resteemed since this is the next step for many of us.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question:

Is this practical or insane?

is... totally insane... but if you think about it, 'people' inside your head, talking to you, telling you their story so you can tell other 'real' people... can't be completely sane can it?

Ask anything. If I can help, I will :)

Hello can I join in your storytelling mentorship program?

Please do. Take a look at all the previous posts on the matter and join in :)

I am a voracious reader and have been since I learned to read. Anything and everything is fair game, even the backs of cereal boxes, especially if they are bilingual! Steemit and meeting you,, have opened a whole new world to me and I am very grateful.

Oh! Thank you :)

I'm pleased you're enjoying it all. I know I am!

I haven't yet read through your novels due to time constraints, but i am very interested to get back into reading. My girlfriend is a huge fan of Stephen King and our bookcases are completely brimmed with his novels. As i mentioned in a previous post or comment ( I can't remember which exactly), I haven't done much reading since school but back then I was a huge Harry Potter fan, I have a first edition hardback book of The Philosophers Stone, Carefully stored as it accumulates value!

As a child I remember enjoying a saga of vampire books by Darren Shan. His writing gripped me and I was deeply disappointed with a movie released a few years back called 'Cirque Du Freak' a spin off of one of his novels and poorly done compared to how i imagined the books.

Anyway I will write up a post later about what i'd like to write about myself on the steemit platform, just about to leave work after receiving the order from our directors! SNOW DAY Check me html'ing haha!

Hahaha html skillz!

I like Stephen King too, but the ONLY book-to-film that has ever impressed me because it was so close to the books was Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas - the Bodachs were EXACTLY as I'd pictured them in my head.

You're right to keep that book safe! A modern classic and valuable to boot!

Is there somewhere you can point me to learn more html? Hyperlinks etc to link my other posts into a new post etc?

I usually search for what I need in the internal search facility (the magnifying glass icon at the top of the page) ;)

The link thing is easy. Use square brackets [] around the title of your link - for example [Wiki]

Then right after (no spaces) you enclose the live link in round brackets (link address)

So it would look like this

  • but take you to the page, not the made-up one.

Fantastic it's way easier than I expected! I see code and special characters and panic but there's really no need!

Nope, no need to panic. And if you do what I do, get to know one command at a time before moving onto the next, they'll become second-nature and you'll not have to go looking for them :)

I appreciate your effort at helping people. Please below is my entry on the introductory story mentoring. Please give it a read.

I commented my post link in the other post but I figured I’d post it here too just in case.

It is a little abstract but you said no rules so I took that to heart.


Thank you! I've read and replied. I'll give a more detailed reply later... when I've had a think.

Ah! Task is already done. Covered topics of interest for reading and writing in my intro post itself.

Writing: Two wheels, two wheels and two more wheels.
Reading: Non fiction as of now, with a current leaning towards historical learning