The Little Printer Girl (Original Short Story)

in #story8 years ago

It is a cold, december night here in London's trade district. Oil lamps on the streets barely shine, like someone paid them to spread depression. Streets are empty at this hour, they are overflowing with silence and that liquid silence freezes on the pavement creating silent ice, that awaits opportunities to make old ladies slip. Yet, there are some gentle sounds echoing trough the night. Tap. Tap. Tap. The shoes of a young girl in an old, torn dress lighten the streets as she joyfully skips.

She's only a few years old and usually she goes to bed when the sun hides for the night, but not today. For a week she's been working 12 hours a day, because her mother is sick. Poor woman is suffering from alcoholism. She needs more beer everyday or she'll die, so the girl is selling cheap printers to support her. Today she didn't make enough money for the beer, because nobody wants a printer form a dirty girl with a advanced asthma.

Although, she was walking with her head lowered, she tripped over a ladybug that was hiding under the snow. The girl fell down on a silent ice and hurt her knee. She turned her head around instantly to see if a little ladybug was alright. The ladybug got up and in this moment the girl realised that it wasn't a ladybug, but a 40 year old man in a ladybug costume. A man was as high as two goats standing on each other and his body was colossal like a moon eating whale god. He looked at the girl and smiled creepily showing all of his 3 teeth. 

- It is your lucky day, my girl. - The man mumbled. - I prefer blonds, but at least you have nice legs.

A girl never saw that men before, so her heart exploded with fear.

- Run! - She heard a loud whisper of a disembodied voice. It wasn't a man speaking or her, but she didn't had time to think about that. She got up and sprinted as fast as a racing pig on steroids. A man took of after her, but he slipped on the silent ice after two steps, he hit the pavement with his head and lost 2 of his 3 remaining teeth. A girl felt that her asthma started causing her breathing problems, so she knew she can't run any further. She knew that she had to hide somewhere. Luckily , there was a glass aquarium on the side of the road, so without hesitation she jumped in.

- You have to run, you know? - She heard the disembodied voice again. It felt like it was coming from nowhere and from everywhere at the same time.

- Who are you? Where are you? - She whispered.

- It's me. The silent ice. - A scared, little girl screamed quietly in shock. - Don't worry. I want to help you.

- But people say that you're evil. - She said. - You make helpless old ladies slip.

- I don't like old ladies, but i'm a nice ice. Trust me. - Ice replied.

- Where are you, little one?! - Girl heard the voice of her stalker. - I'm going to find you!

The voice was getting louder. He was closer and closer with every second.

- Listen to me, if you want to live. - Said Ice. - I'm sending you a file to one of your printers. Use it!

Girl took the printer out of her pocket. She turned it on and got on the Aquarium's Wi-Fi. The printer automatically started printing something making mechanical noises. 

- Aha! I've got you now! - Man screamed and ran towards the source of the sound. Girl stood up to see her attacker. He was approaching her fast. She tought that this is the end, but a green light appeared on the printer, meaning that the printing has been completed. She grabbed a strange looking peace of metal that was sticking out of the machine and pull it out. In her hands now, was a double-handed sword with a writing on it: "Whoever hold this sword, if he/she be worth it, shall posses the power of a thousand little girls." A man was already so close that he tried to grab her, but for her the time slowed down. It was like someone pressed a stop button while watching a movie. She felt that her veins were overflown with adrenaline, her soul has changed from a gentle spark into a raging fire. The fear left her body and in that moment she had was the embodiement of hate itself.

 As her stalker was frozen in time, floating before her eyes like a buffering video, she cut him in half horizontally, then vertically, then she stabbed him in the eye, in the second one, in the liver, heart, lungs, prostate. She was cutting and slashing like an angry hedgehog with razors instead of spikes on his back. After the minute, she collapsed. Adrenaline was leaving her body. The time started speeding up. She looked at the man, but now he looked more like scrambled eggs, if eggs where red. The time returned back to normal and the bloody pulp of the man felt down on the snow. The power of the thousand little girls has left her. Now she had her normal child power, so the asthma kicked in. She couldn't get enough oxygen to keep going. Everything started spinning and her vision became foggy. Luckily, she had her inhaler in the pocket. Her hand slipped in the pocket, but she couldn't find it. Anxiously looking for an inhaler, she teared her pocket, but only a printer fall out of it. Then, she heard the laugh.Cynical and smug laughter of a deranged lunatic. With great hardship, she turned her head and she saw that across the street Silent ice was holding her inhaler.

- Are you looking for this, young one? - Silent ice waved to her holding the inhaler. Taunting her.

There was no way, she can get to that inhaler. It was too far and she was too weak. She turned her head away. Printer's green light was blinking on the wall. As her lungs where failing her, she watched the light danicing on the wall thinking - "I shouldn't have trusted that ice."

So the moral from this story is simple - "I can't write" :)

If you liked that, then please follow me @acidpanda