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RE: Little Ru on Important Things and What's Possible

in #story5 years ago

First of all, lovely post. I discovered it because I was trailing the blog of @erh.germany and was intrigued by her comment. Your pictures are great and the narrative is convincing. I'm sorry to be adult about this, but I saw a metaphor for life. I've been thinking about that a bit.

As I grow older, I realize I've built that house. The land is open when we are young. The way is full of potential, and either consciously or unconsciously we fill it up. We narrow the potential for development because there's not much space left. That doesn't mean we're set...I can tear the structures down and rebuild, recreate myself. But the land will never be empty again.

You see, I have made this charming tale into an adult parable. But still, I found your post to be a treat. A wise and loving bit of insight.


Dear, @agmoore,

Thank you very much for sharing the metaphor you saw. I love the way you describe how we build on what we already have. If you think about it, (literally and metaphorically) all humanity is built on ruins from previous (sometimes long forgotten) times... Does an empty land or an empty mind even exist?