Andalusia, The Lost GemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago


WHEN Islam entered a period of regrowth rise Europe from its downturn. The rise of Europe at that time was not only in politics. After successfully overthrowing the Islamic emperors, Europe continues to rise in the field of technology and science. And science became one of the drivers of their political expansion.
The rise of Europe at that time could not be separated from the Classical Islamic empire in Andalusia (Spayol). Because Andalusia became a science camp for Europe at that time. When the reins of science were held by the Islam centered in Spayol, European Christians flocked to Spayol to explore the science there.
Muslims become teachers for those who are still illiterate. To the extent that historical literature records the presence of Islam in Spayol into a tough conversation of world historians.
Various Islamic civilizations have been preserved in Spayol, many of the most well-known Islamic march experts whose knowledge has lived there. Such as Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Sina philosophers who ever patronized Greece in the 9th century M. Abbas Ibn Fama chemistry and astronomy experts, Ahad Ibn Ibas Ibn Ibas Ibn Ibas, a medical expert, Ummi Al-Hasan Bint Abi Jakfar medical experts from among women, and still many other experts of Islamic scholars who will never run out if we mention one by one in this short article.
In 711 AD Islam began to enter Spayol through the North African path. Prior to the arrival of Islam then Spayol was known by the name Iberia or Asbahani. After the Vandals dominated Spayol at that time the Arabs mentioned Spayol with Andalusia.
Before the conquest of Spayol Ummat Islam had controlled most of North Africa and made it a province of Umayyad dynasty. At the time of the Caliph Abdul Malik (685-705 AD) The African country is wholly owned by the Ummah. At that time the Caliph Abdul Malik appointed Hasan Ibn Nu'man as governor of the African region. But at the time of al-Walid's Caliph the position of Hasan Ibn Nu'man was replaced by Musa Ibn Nushair. It was during this time of the Al-Walid Caliphate that Musa Ibn Nushair expanded the Islamic lands to Algeria and Morocco.
In addition, Musa Ibn Nushair at that time had succeeded in conquering the former Barbarians in the mountains. Before conquered by the Muslim Ummah this area there are sacs that became the basis of power of the Roman empire, the Gothic kingdom. Historical literature says, in the process of the conquest of Spayol there are three Islamic warlords who are very meritorious in leading the army. They were Tharif Ibn Malik, Tharik Ibn Ziyad, and Moses Ibn Nushair.
At this time the Ummah Muslims have not mastered the whole area of Spayol. However, various Islamic cultures have been born there. The Muslims were not satisfied with the victory, they continued the war of expanding Islamic territory during the caliph Umar Abdul 'Aziz in 99 H / 717 M. The target of the confinement at that time was to control the mountainous regions of Pyrenia and Southern France. This 8th-century-driven confinement has made the Islamic powers look all over the districts of Spayol, France, and important parts of the Italian city.
The victory obtained by Muslims seems so easy, it is indicated by internal and external factors. Internal factors, among others, are the social, political, and economic conditions of the country are in a famine. The external factor is a condition contained in the body of the ruler, the figures of struggle and the Muslim soldiers involved in the conquest of Spayol in particular. The person of a powerful Muslim warlord, a compact and confident soldier into one because the Spayol people welcomed Islam enthusiastically.
The glory of Islam in Spayol
The history of Islamic revival in Spayol can be divided into six periods (Dr, Badri Orphan MA 2003). The first period began in the year (711-755 AD), during this period Spayol was under the rule of the Guardians who were appointed by the Umayyad bishops based in Damascus. In this period the political stability of Spayol has not been achieved perfectly, there are still many indogenous and exogenous disturbances.
The second period began in (755-912 AD), during this period Spayol was under the rule of an Amir (commander or governor), but not yet subject to the center of Islamic government which was then held by the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad. With the first Amir was Abdurrahman 1, who entered Spayol 138 H / 755 M. Due to his dedication he succeeded in establishing the Umayyad Dynasty in Spayol. In this period the Islamic Ummah Spayol began to gain a lot of progress consisting of political and civilization. Abdurrahman founded the Cardova Mosque and schools in the major cities of Spayol.
Then the third period begins in the year (912-1013 AD), this period lasting from the reign of Abdurrahman 111 held "An Nasir" until the emergence of "kings of the group" known as Muluk At-Thawaif. In this period Spayol was commanded by a ruler who was deployed with the Khalifah. The usage of the caliph stems from the news that reached Abdurrahman 111, that the Muktadir (Caliph Daula Bani Abbas in Baghdad died by his own bodyguard killed.
According to his judgment, circumstances such as this show the atmosphere of the Abbasid government is in trouble. He argues that today is the time to use the title of caliph that has been lost from the power of the Umayyads for over 150 years.
In the fourth period (1013-1086 CE) Spain split into more than thirty small countries under the rule of the group kings (Al-Muluk At-Thawaif) based in the city of Seville, Cardova, Toledo. In this period the Muslim Ummah entered a period of internal conflict. Ironically, during a civil war there were people from the Muslim side who asked for protection from Christian kings. Seeing the circumstances and chaos that befell the Islamic politics, for the first period of Christians in this period began to take the initiative of attack. Although political life is unstable but intellectual life continues to flourish.
The fifth period began in the year 1086-1248 AD, during this period Spayol was still divided into several countries, but they had one dominant force, namely the Dinabaluns of Murabithun (1086-1143 AD) and Dinasty Muwahhidun (1146-1235 AD) . Dinasty Murabithun was originally a religious movement founded by Yusuf Ibn Tasyfin in North Africa. In 1062 he succeeded in establishing a kingdom based in Marakesy.
The Muwahhidun Dinasty was founded by Muhammad Ibn Tumazi (1128 AD). This dinasty goes to Spayol under the leadership of Abdul Al-Mu'im. In 1212 CE, the Christian army won a great victory at Las Navas De Tolesa. Muwahhidun's defeats caused his ruler to leave Spayol and return to North Africa in 1235 AD In 1238 AD Cardova fell to the Christian ruler, and Seville in 1248 also fell into Christian hands.
Only Granada is still controlled by the Muslim Ummah (Dr, Badri Yatim MA 2003 pp 98).
The sixth period was born between the years (1248-1492 AD), during this period the Islamic Ummah of Granada survived under the Dinasty of Bani Amar (Dinasty was founded by Sultan Muhammad Bin Yusuf who was held with An-Nasr). So the kingdom is also called Nasriyyah (Musrifah Sunanto 2003 pp. 122). In this period Islam only ruled in the area of Granada. But civilization again progressed as in the days of Abdurrahman An-Nasir.
Spayol's last Islamic power was the last of these ends due to the overthrow of the Imperial people in the struggle for power. Abu Abdullah Muhammad was displeased with his father for appointing his other son as his successor to become King. He rebelled and tried to seize power. In the rebellion his father was killed, and replaced by Muhammad Ibn Sa'ad. Abu Abdullah then asked for help to Ferdenand and Isabella to bring him down. After the rule of Muhammad Ibn Sa'ad was successfully overthrown by Ferdenand and Isabella then Abu Abdullah ascended the throne.
Ferdenand and Isabella who united the Christians through marriage when it was not satisfied. Both wanted to seize the power of Abu Abdullah (the last empire of Spanish Islam) through war. But Abu Abdullah was unable to withstand the attacks of the Christians and eventually conceded defeat. Then he migrated to North Africa, thus ending the Islamic kingdom in Spayol in 1492. The Islamic Ummah was then confronted with two choices, converted to Christianity or left Spayol. In 1609 there could be no Islamic Ummah in this area.
Left with memories
Spayol is the most important place for Europe to absorb Islamic civilization, both in the form of political, social, and economic. The Europeans taking the initiative of Spayol who were under Islamic rule far left European neighbors, especially in the field of thought and science. The influence of Islamic science on Europe that has been going on since the 12th century gave rise to the renaissance movement of Greek heritage in Europe in the 14th century AD
Can not be denied, the glory of Spanish Islam who had greened the mainland of Europe today live memories. In just a short time the Muslim Ummah conquered Andalusia. And in a very short time duration of this glory is again taken by Christian-Christian Europe.
Spayol Islam's progress at that time was due to the strength of the Islamic rulers who were able to unite the power of the Ummah. The success of politics is also supported by the wisdom of other rulers in pioneering scientific activities, and the high tolerance of Muslim rulers against non-Muslims becomes a proof of the establishment of the Emperor of Islam in the country.
The sphere of Islam in the span of history is mentioned, among others, the birth of Islamic and Christian conflicts, economic difficulties, the unclear system of power transition and remoteness. But there are several other factors that led to the withdrawal of Islamic culture, the weaknesses in politics, the emergence of the Moghuls, the emergence of Turkish elements, and the discovery of Muni (Dr. Badri Yatim 2003, pp. 108).
Although Islam was eventually evicted from Spayol in a very cruel way, but Islam has been in charge of important movements in Europe. These movements are a revival of Classical Greek culture in the 14th century CE that began in Italy. Movement of reform in the 16th century AD, 17th century resionalism, and enlightenment (aufklaerung) in the 18th century AD Spayol is not our country, but as a Muslim Ummah we are entitled to reclaim it. Hopefully!