Once Upon A Time "The Rising of a Phoenix” Episode 40 (Written By Brainz)

in #story7 years ago


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Link To Episode 39

In Continuation From Episode 39

Being or starting a relationship was scary to Chinedu, not because he wasn't sure he could handle it, but he was scared the women won't dot on Catherine his beautiful daughter, and his obvious love for her will eventually make the women jealous and go out to become mean to Catherine, oh no he couldn't handle that, so over the years, it was just few women and they didn't last, because he grew bored easily.... Catherine reminded him so much of ITOHAN, he still hadn't heard a word from her, it bothered him, there only option to get news again was going to her father's house, and Chinedu hated that man... He blamed the man for all his woes... If he could help it, he never want to see that creepy man ever again...

Sometimes, Catherine reminded him of the word creepy, she could sit so still at a place, staring at nothing for hours on end, then immediately drop to sleep and she wakes up, its fun, and her ever hyper bubbly self... On numerous occasions he had tried to get her to tell him what she sees anytime she stares, she'll just stare at him and give him her disarming smile, pretend she didn't hear him, and run off to play, every time the same response... Twice he had had to carry her inside, because she sleep walked outside by 2am, repeating that she heard her name... Chinedu saw the creepy side of her, and decided to overlook it... Soon his baby will be in secondary, he was in so much debt, they could hardly feed, and he was gambling heavily... Chinedu didn't know how he could foot her bills... He once again saw he messed up his life.... He wished time could go back....

Catherine felt so alone sometimes, with her father gone out most of the time leaving her to play with her friends, she was lonely, she wondered why her mother never showed up, and why it was like a taboo for her father to talk about it, she'd seen her mother's pictures, and couldn't help to notice how so beautiful her mum is, but wondered why her father won't talk about such a beautiful woman, so in her little innocent mind, her mum died, probably that's why her father never talks about, the pain must have been so excruciating for him... With that in mind, Catherine concluded her mother was dead and that made her loneliness and sadness justified... She was so happy, she too was soon going to be in high-school soon... She couldn't wait.... With that she lay down to sleep... It was past midnight and her father wasn't home yet... She was used to it though....

She felt so alone... So alone...!!


Big Thanks To @Organik For The Design Of The Image Used For This Story.

To Be Continued Tomorrow!!!

Maximum Thanks To All Euronation Members And Those That Has Been Following The Story, Commenting And Upvoting.


Weldon sir. I love this episode