My Long Distance Relationship (LDR)- How Everything Started

in #story7 years ago (edited)

It’s crazy how everything changes so fast, three years ago I was 17 fresh out of school with the dream of a better life. This was one of the reasons why I decided to move with my Dad, who was living in Tenerife at the moment.

At the beginning of 2015, I felt like I needed something else a place where I could share my thoughts and feelings, so my journey began, I looked in every website that you can imagine until I found this site called The Experience Project (which has been close since April last year). In this place, I met this amazing, interesting, kind and funny guy, little did I know that two years later we were going to be living and planning a future together.


However, this is just the iceberg of our story.

May 2015, after a couple of weeks of snapchatting and messages until ridiculous early hours in the morning. I decided to make the moved and asked him, if he wanted to be my boyfriend. After that he started planning he’s first visit from England to meet me in person in Tenerife. The time came around and he finally landed in Tenerife in a warm afternoon in July. This was our first photo together.


That week was magical, we spend the days sightseeing, discovering places in the island that we have never been before, and other more spicy activities that I feel like you wouldn’t like know about.



After this, he came back to England and we remind connected by the internet for another 4 months. In November that year, he came back for a second visit. You can’t even start imagining how excited, happy and nervous you feel when you are waiting for them in the airport. I felt all this things and more at once… We had an amazing week together, with Christmas just around the corner, all the streets were lighten up by lights and decorations, this only the whole situation a memory that I will always keep in my mind and heart.



The next time that we saw each other in flesh was in January 2016. I came to him for two weeks, his 21st Birthday had finally arrived and I wasn’t going to forgive myself if I missed it.


We spent most of the days just being with each other trying to make plans, so we could close the distance. He took me to London (I have never been there before), we did so many things around there.


From playing the piano


To admire the vastness of the city from The London Eye.


We decided to close the distance in March 2016, I moved in with him and his family. I won’t denied that it has been hard, we were used to have our own space, our own independency. After a year of living together, we are still trying to adjust. But to this day, I can’t describe how grateful I am for having him in my life, he is the reason that life gave me to keep fighting to make me see the good things that you can have if you work for it.


I love him so much that I’m even shedding a tear while writing this. I just wanted to show you that it’s possible, I won’t say it’s easy but if you really love someone don’t give up. At the end, everything it’s going to work out.

I hope this post inspires you to let love into your life, at the end It will all be worthy...
