The controversy that is cheeseless pizza...

in #story7 years ago

Anyone else who has a dislike for cheese will probably understand what I'm talking about here.

"What do you mean you don't like cheese?!"

The answer is actually pretty simple. I'm not lactose intolerant. And I'm not a vegan. Believe it or not, I just don't like the taste. Even the thought of it makes me feel ill. It's the literally the only thing I don't like. Well... that and mayonnaise. But lets not go there. And I know that people will say that there are hundreds of different cheeses, all of which have a different taste. Trust me, I've heard it all before. Even so, I haven't come across a single one that I like.

It even smells awful, so please excuse me while I leave the room if something particularly cheesy is on the menu. Now, if I told someone that I didn't like shrimp they probably wouldn't bat an eyelid. Sprouts - absolutely no problem. But the second I utter the word cheese?

Disclaimer: I love all seafood. And sprouts.

Cheeseless Pizza

As you can imagine this is particularly controversial among people I discuss it with. I actually ordered a cheeseless pizza once and the restaurant called me twice to make sure I hadn't made a mistake during ordering.

"For God's sake man. Pizza isn't pizza without cheese."

Well, I disagree. And here's why.


1. You can actually taste the toppings.

The taste of cheese is overwhelming. If your pizza is smothered in it what's the point in adding other toppings? Lets face it; the cheese will still be the predominant taste. OK, so the toppings might fall off a bit easier but I'll happily mop them up.

2. It's healthier

Cheese is fatty... and greasy. And really not all that good for you in large quantities. Take it away and you have so much more extra calories to fill up on better stuff.

3. It's perfectly acceptable in Italy

Italy is obviously the birthplace of pizza. And you can go to restaurants there and get a Pizza Marinara or Pizza alla Pescatora there without being judged. If it's acceptable in Italy, it must be normal.

Let me know your thoughts. There must be someone out there with similar tastes?


I've got to say... while I wholeheartedly disagree with you I totally respect your strange strange opinion :D. Power to the "cheeseless"!

Also! i appreciate the baseketball gif!!!