Scylla or Charibdys? (And Why It Matters)

in #story14 days ago

Your name is Odysseus.

You're in a ship. Of many men. Some dead long back, but some fearful of what's potentially to come.

In your hands, lay a decision. You have just passed most of Circe's tests.

This will be the most fearsome of all.


In your right is Scylla, a monster capable of devouring deckhands by the dozens. It will potentially doom you.

Charibdys is a different type of monster- one capable of destroying ships. It will doom even the best shipwrights.

Time is running out and you need to choose.


You pick Syclla, as you determine five or six men did not equate to your journey lost under the rocks of Charibdys. You pass, but with six men dragged to the depths.

This is a story not regarding the unfairness of the situation- but specifically regarding Homer's dilemma- what better of two evils- But why does this matter?

Navigating life can often feel like steering a ship between Scylla and Charybdis, the ancient Greek monsters that symbolize the impossible choices we all face. This idiom, rooted in the tale of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey, represents those moments when we must choose between two evils, knowing that harm is inevitable no matter which direction we take. Like Odysseus, we all encounter our own personal Scyllas and Charybdis—those daily dilemmas where we weigh the risks and decide which path to take, hoping to minimize the damage and survive another day.

In these moments, we’re not just the hero of our story but also the storyteller. Each choice we make adds a new line to the narrative of our lives, just as Homer chronicled the struggles of Odysseus. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with these tough decisions—whether it’s balancing work and personal life, managing a difficult relationship, or making ethical choices in our daily interactions. We embody both Odysseus, striving to navigate safely, and Homer, the observer reflecting on the journey.


When confronted with these challenges, the key is to choose the path that benefits the most people, even if it requires a sacrifice. Life’s Scyllas and Charybdis moments test our values and compel us to confront what truly matters. Sometimes, the best decision is the one that causes the least harm, even if it’s not the easiest. It’s in these choices that we discover our true character, proving that, like Odysseus, we can endure whatever life throws our way, no matter how treacherous the waters.