The Conditioning, Corruption , Control And Protection of Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story3 years ago

P3 Troy  one year old Piano.jpg

Early on as a child, I got excited and all keyed up about playing the piano, as seen in this photo taken in Glendale Heights, IL. As a piano man today, I play over 700 songs from memory. Many other childhood memories come to mind. What about you? Do you remember playing with other children as a toddler? How about that first toy your mom or dad bought you? Or can you recall your first day of school or trip to the barber shop?

Our childhood experiences shape us for life. In fact, the younger we are, the more influenced we can become. Some times we will remember. Others will be logged in our subconscious, only perhaps to be unraveled with help of a counselor or psychologist. Yet, no matter how memorable, they will all affect us throughout our lives.


Todays, child is being dragged through the unimaginable, that will shape their lives forever. I think of the masks and lockdowns that covid brought. You and I know that these days are not normal and even biblical. Yet, the small and innocent, will learn to accept this as standard and acceptable.

As the old generations passes from this world, society is conditioned to accept what should be unusual and unacceptable. How do we pass that knowledge to the young? How do we tell them and protect them from the hand of tyranny?

Through conditioning, a generation is dumbed down and brainwashed. Our schools and colleges do not encourage critical thinking of the official narrative. Common sense withers away, as the young get their bachelor and masters degrees in the state doctrine of brainwashing.

Tyranny and conditioning is not new. This has been in the works for generations. With the infiltration of socialists and communists a century ago in the city unions and the educational system, the cancer of brainwashing and control has appeared to ripen for harvest. Today, our youth have been conditioned to accept socialistic doctrine. Our schools look more like prisons, with cameras and high level security sign - in requirements. Many parents and visitors are not often permitted entry. I bet the CCP is ecstatic to know how our babies are being raised by the American educational prisons of communism. Still, this evil cancer has infested itself long before.



Stealing And Controlling

I the 1990's, Child Protective Services (CPS) cane to reek havoc on the family and, to this day, haunts the innocent. Case workers are incentivized with quotas and bonuses. Their objective is to stalk, steal, sell and shatter the lives of families and children. This agenda is born out of selfish greed, but has the larger purpose to condition our youth, by separate child from parent.

By stealing the young, evil can corrupt, condition and control the world of tomorrow.

Through intimidation, manipulation and straight out lies, they scheme to do their dirty deeds. It often includes a unexpected phone call or surprise home inspection. They will purposely control the conversation and events. They hope mom and dad are in fear of them. They also expect you to not videotape or document their conversations and visits. Most judges and lawyers have been paid off by the CPS. It seems almost impossible to beat the system. Yet, corruption must be faced fearlessly, with faith and fortitude. Pro-family groups are working together to put and end to this. But there is more.

Justice is turned into a platform of the 'just us' by the corrupt.

These child are shuffled from stranger to stranger, from foster home to foster home. Many face the angry voices and violent hands in these foster homes. Others end up as runaways or even killed. Still more are trafficked into sexual acts and satanic child sacrifices.

These children and their parents are left with psychological baggage of webbed emotions that bind and enslave them for life. Feelings of emptiness, guilt, anger, depression and worthlessness flow in their voiceless tears. Haunting memories play out like a tape on repeat, as does the frequent nightmares. And so, daddy government continues to condition our world to accept broken homes, corruption, isolation, sex trafficking, theft, lies and endless misery as the new normal. Its Orwellian agenda is masked in the silence of the state run media and paid off political puppets,

Why did this happen? What did I do wrong? When will this pain ever leave?


Cottages of Annie Whitmeyer, Davenport, IA


No institution will ever replace the love and blood of the family. Institutions offer no personal commitment or real incentive to the welfare of the child. Sadly, innocence is quickly shattered and becomes the playground of corruption. She bring all her suitcases and baggage and refuses to leave.

Before we had the CPS with its global foster care and child trafficking racketeering rings, we had orphanages. If only the walls of those old institutions could speak. Many were the horror of the innocent and discarded. Angry words, violence and even death became the norm. It is not too hard to find cemeteries and graves of children taken, during the care or should I say, mis-care of orphanages or affiliated religious institutions.

Over the years, I have been told stories of the Annie Whitmeyer Orphanage of long ago from locals here in Davenport, Iowa . A short drive away, the small town of 2,500 I grew up in also had an orphanage. Today, it stands empty and ironically, an orphan of the state. It did not matter the size, many still littered the landscape with sad stories of horror. Mom even spoke of meeting her half-brother through a throw-away orphan who ended up at the State Juvenile Orphanage. Celebrities used little known youth homes to dispose of unwanted babies from pregnant girlfriends.

Being saddled with the knowledge that you were unwanted when you enter this world, is tough to overcome and should not be a part of any childhood.

It is our earliest memories that condition us. Though I was influenced with music at an impressionable age, my parents divorced when I was very young. Growing up under the auspices of only one parent coupled with the bitterness and psychological damage of the parent, can also condition a child. It often takes year and even a lifetime to sort through.

It could have been worse. With an alcoholic dad who played gigs in the shady Chicago neighborhoods and being a toddler around open gun carrying musicians of his jazz group... it could have been worse. Thank God, I was not born later. The CPS would have had a hey day with our family.

Glendale Heights 2.jpg

Families are meant to be together. Obviously, this photograph was taken before the divorce and any baggage. I am grateful for this photo and memory of a happier time. Yet, how many children are expressionless and numb from corruption and the war on their family? How many will never know how to smile or laugh? How many will never have that family photo?


Our children are the faces of tomorrow. Their experiences and memories will shape them for a lifetime. Our influence and behavior will also mold them. How will we choose to shape tomorrow? Will we allow it to be voiceless and masked? Will we continue to allow the communists, socialists and the CPS child trafficking system to condition, control and corrupt their innocence? Or will we be their voice and protector?

The innocent and free are a preyed and endangered people. Pro-family groups realize this. I know @familyprotection and @informationwar speak out as a voice of truth and real justice. For that I am grateful. But each of us must do our part. Remember when you were a child and how impressionable adults were? What impact can you offer that will protect a child from the corruption and conditioning of this world?

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