Building The Bridge Together

in #story7 years ago (edited)

As an early adopter of cryptocurrency and someone who sees the immense potential in decentralization, it’s infuriating, to see people falling for the same lies time and time again. Especially when those lies cause them so much harm. Fear has been used as a tactic for centuries by those in power as a means of exploitation, profit, and control.

We’ve all seen the headlines these past few weeks.

“Bitcoin is in a Bubble.” (because we don’t understand, or are afraid of it will disrupt our power.)

“China orders all Bitcoin exchanges to close...” (until the government can devise the best way to license and profit off of it.)

“JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon Says Bitcoin is a Fraud...“ (but then it’s discovered the bank he runs bought massive amounts of Bitcoin in the price dip his statement caused.)

This world has always been a tumultuous place and will continue to be, and in the crypto-space the tumult is even more intense. What is the best path forward? Watch actions, always, don’t listen to words.

I’m not, by any measure, an expert but I tell people who ask me for advice about how to prosper in the years ahead two things:

  • Never invest more than you can afford to lose in anything (this applies to the stock market as well); and
  • Diversify – Never keep all your eggs in one basket. Own a diverse mixture of fiat, crypto-currency, and precious metals.

A third thing I only tell creatives, and this is even more valuable than any of the above, is...KEEP CREATING.

In the new world that is being forged today, ideas will be the most valuable currency. This will be true no matter what technology reshapes our society and/ or who is trying to manipulate the masses for their own gains.

If blockchain engineers are to become the new kings and queens of the world (like I believe they will be) it will be the creatives who will be the princes and princesses.

Why do I think this? For the simple fact that, as creatives, our imaginations and idea muscles are highly developed. We are accustomed to regularly communicating complex ideas through our art, writing, and filmmaking in a way that is simple and easy for the average person to understand.

Yes, it will be creatives who will build the bridge that connects the ingenious inventions of the blockchain engineers to the the masses. We are the only ones who can. This is one of the many reasons I believe so wholeheartedly in the HardFork Film Series. When creatives build the bridge we will all cross and enter a new world of decentralization.

Remember, to keep from being deceived in these precarious years leading to mass adoption... Watch Their Actions, Don’t Listen to Their Words.

(Gifs compliments of

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. We are thrilled to announce we'll be debuting the HardFork Film Series Teaser Trailer at SteemFest2 in Lisbon! Hope to see you there!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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The JPMorgan story was the funniest of all. I mean cursing Bitcoin as ponzi and scam, than buying in massively and offering Jobs for blockchain technicians? hahaha wtf

There's no way a person could even make that up, right? Insane.

Trying on my tiara right now.

Fantastic post Eric! So exciting to be standing at the frontier with you of a crazy new evolution of this amazingly dynamic--in all senses of the word--life here on this spinning planet we call home. I guess at this point it should be less shocking when the defacto governors of our species, the bankers and real estate tycoons, take part in balled-faced lies in order to try and manipulate the less fortunate and shake us out of the game, but as you said it's an old tactic and one they'll likely go down with the ship on. But I'll leave that to The12 to sort out with them! Thanks for speaking truth to power, brother.

Thank you so much, Doug! It's crazy, when your eyes are opened, to what level we are influenced and manipulated by those in power. The Housing Crisis of 2008 and the last Presidential election really woke me up. It made me realize how important it is for each of us to wake up, educate ourselves, and not assume "the powers that be" have our best interest in mind. Lol! Something like The12 will definitely spring up in the real world in the coming decades...fiction will totally become truth!

Eric you are absolutely correct , actions speak louder than words. This is not the first time that bankers have talked something down , created fear and then reaped the benefits from the fear they created. Stock market crash of the 1920's is a prime example of that same scenario. They created fear in the market and then panic selling by investors opened the door to buy high value companies for pennies on the dollar. The bankers were the only ones buying during the sell off.

They use their power for manipulation, no moral standards beside the law and sometimes not even the law is the standard.

With the power the banks & bankers have law means nothing, If they find a law to be an impediment to their agenda they buy a few politicians and magically the law is repealed or amended to fit the bankers needs. I have very little knowledge when in comes to crypto currency but I do know one important thing , crypto currency has the bankers very worried that their gig is about to be turned upside down.
Energy, human energy is the driving force in the world and the human energy behind crypto currency is gaining steem everyday . (pun intended)

Totally, @sultnpapper! They even cause/profit from global conflicts. Just imagine what we could accomplish without that impediment in the equation! Thanks for your comments!

Great post Eric! Inspirational and I agree that we are the ones building the bridge!

Agree 100% with what you said ^^ I think those currently in power are afraid of what the blockchian technology can do. Most of the masses just have no clue yet of what it actually is capable of. For me the blockchain is an undeniable fact, even though I just got interested in it since a few months ago. It's just a matter of time, but this thing is gonna change the world drasticly...

It definitely looks that way, but i also see that beside the fear many are interested and see benefits in the blockchain technology, including Banks and governments. Thats the reason i believe the blockchain has very good chances to win that battle. Time is on the side of the blockchain technology.

You are so right! Steemit can be deceiving, it's like a bubble of knowledge where a lot of know about crypto/blockchain. It's very easy to start believing that it's more widespread than it is. This is why we're so excited about our HardFork Film Series. We really thing this could spark much wider adoption.

This is an amazing post! And you're right, we need to bridge that gap, build the bridge and cross it together!

Thank you very much, my fried! We're building it together each day, idea by idea. I can't for the day our bridge debuts on Netflix. : )

That would be beyond fantastic!

What a wonderful article published at the right point of time, Eric!

These headlines remind me of the movie "Wag the dog" where the media is able to bluff and manipulate a whole nation. In today's world the media has become even more powerful. Knowing that 1) the government is controlling media and that 2) the government wants to impede cryptocurrencies' success, it's logical that these news are hyped in such way. But they don't mirror the truth.

I love your point of view and the idea of building bridges through creativity. Our stories, art, knowledge and entertainment are the very best way of proving that we're producing REAL VALUE.

Ideas that are built on the blockchain are as real as the ones that are designed in centralized systems - but the decentralized environment sets them FREE. That's the unbeatable difference.

Resteemed :)

Hey @surfermarly! Thanks so much for kind words and the resteem! I agree 100% with every word you said. Can't wait to meet you in Lisbon.

Right to the point @ericvancewalton.
Follow your 3 points and don't worry and be happy!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for Resteeming!

You are welcome, I only resteem quality posts!

Your post made me pump both fists up in the air and whoop out loud both in emphatic agreement and relief to see truth be stated and lies identified!

As you say, watch their actions, not their words which have over and over again proved to be nothing but manipulative propaganda-
“JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon Says Bitcoin is a Fraud...“ (but then it’s discovered the bank he runs bought massive amounts of Bitcoin in the price dip his statement caused.)

And I of course am 200% heartened by your insight as to the value of the creative equity we have been building our whole lives - this makes age a true gift since we've had more time to hone and practice and master the creative process, and how to apply our creativity to anything.

And that first gif is mesmerizingly beautiful, 2nd one fun too

I'm so glad the post solicited that kind of emotion, Ruth! I really think a golden age is coming for creatives. Thanks for the kind words!