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RE: Love's Epic Journey: My Relationship with Quinn Eaker and Why I Escaped From the Garden of Eden

in #story5 years ago

I don’t even know where to begin to respond to this post, I just know that you must be in a lot of pain to have turned so dishonorably against the person you have made public and private claims for years to have been the most influential guiding light to help you without fail, even and especially in the extreme times when you were literally wanting to give up on life.

Opportunity has existed in every moment for you to express your feelings about anything, and every time you have been listened to and encouraged with full support. There has never been anything we have not been able to talk about, even the deepest and darkest secrets you’ve held on to for years. Even by your own admittance every time you have taken something to Quinn, he has provided solutions that helped you move past some of your trauma, grow, evolve and become a better person. Never once has Quinn betrayed your confidence about life traumas you have endured and shared with him. He has kept your secrets in strict confidence and has held space for you for years on end to heal, all the while feeding you, housing you, providing expansive skill upgrades and business opportunities. And on top of that, he hasn’t even made any claims or taken credit for all he has done for you - which is not the way of a true narcissist as you want to label him to be.

Your actions are in my opinion one of the greatest betrayals to the people who have loved and cared about you the most, especially Quinn. The are many recordings, interviews and even your own blogs about how he has continually helped you to take responsibility for yourself, which is the only reason you have actually evolved at all. Blame and pointing fingers at others was your norm, and falling back into that blame game will undoubtedly stop your evolutionary process. This is the pattern people do when feeling disempowered and when they can’t find it within themselves to address the things that are deep--they try to shift the focus of blame to someone else. You have been preaching responsibility for yourself and everyone else since you returned from Panama. You are no stranger to this concept.

How easy it is for you to pretend that all of the magnificence that has happened had to come down to sneaking out in the night, as if you were in danger in some way at the Garden of Eden. Preposterous! The greatest danger is the self and the darkness within that doesn’t get faced, while attempting to label and use others to incite drama. Announcing this is Part 1 of 3….stay tuned for the next episode...where we will talk about Quinn--because everyone likes talking about Quinn, rather its “good” or “bad”! Well that is one way to get attention and to divert the truth about your attempt to run away from yourself. Perhaps you’re still seeking Quinn’s attention in hopes that he may save your life again.

“Quinn Eaker is now much more of a lost soul, conflicted with intense personal trauma and much more in darkness than I ever was.” Interesting that if you were to really believe that was true (and as far as I know you’re the only one that believes that!), that you couldn’t find it within yourself to stand in his corner like he has done for you for years on end. He has never judged you for the trauma you have been through, the tantrums you have thrown, the bitchiness you have infused in the space, or a bazillion other things that compromised peace and harmony, but actually held you in his arms for hours, not publicly bashing you, trying to convince others about your perceived faults, or trying to label you and confine you to a box.

“I often amused him with my ability to match him and evolve.” To evolve I would agree with as from the depths from which you came has been great. To match him is ridiculous to say, as if you were in any way capable of matching him, you wouldn’t be blaming him, but instead standing up to recognize his divinity as he has done for you and hundreds more over a decade of service to others. When you match that, I’ll be super grateful to witness it.

Acting like your truth is the truth of others “who know him well, and have lived with him on a daily basis” is an extremely dishonorable portrayal of the man Quinn is. You can have whatever opinion you want, and change it even after years and years of personal testimony to the contrary, but attempting to make your experience our experience is not “the truth of this”.

I have no doubt Quinn will continue to be awesome regardless of how much resistance people have to life changing opportunities. No doubt he will still be holding space for your healing regardless of how dishonorably you treat him. He never even kicked the man, punched or stabbed him back after being stabbed 8 times which is a testament to his character. He will hold true to his values, overcome any obstacles, and evolve to an even greater man than he has already proven himself to be.

I would wish that instead of making public posts and ignoring all attempts for true communication and understanding, that you would step up to your evolved self and be real with the people who have proven to love and support you through thick and thin. You’re not in danger here, unless love hurts too much.


So very grateful that I have the option to move on and not get stuck in the past. The emotions of the past keep us stuck in the past.

Glad you do too because instigating and amplifying your trauma and blaming others for it is quite the suck. You've already put dozens of hours into your rants. Grateful you're ready to move on! Bless!

Looks like we can agree on that!